Welcome Dr. Peter Zuk
The Department of Philosophy and Humanities extends a warm welcome to Dr. Peter Zuk, who will be joining us this fall as Assistant Professor. Dr. Zuk received his PhD in philosophy from Rice University in 2019. Prior to joining UTA, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at Baylor College of Medicine’s Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy and at the Harvard Center for Bioethics. His work investigates the relationship between conceptions of mind, value, and the human person in the history of philosophy in order to address contemporary questions about the nature of moral objectivity, well-being, meaningfulness, and their manifestations in debates about emerging technologies. He has conducted significant BRAIN Initiative-funded applied neuroethics work on brain-computer interfaces, especially closed-loop deep brain stimulation and brain-based visual prosthesis systems. Combining these theoretical and applied interests, he is currently examining the conceptual foundations of mental integrity, mental privacy, and other neurorights that have been proposed in response to the increasing sophistication of neurotechnological methods of decoding and modulating mental states.