Texas State Laws


The University of Texas at Arlington is committed to maintaining an educational and working environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of sex and free from sexual misconduct in accordance with Title IX, Title VII, VAWA, and the Campus SaVE Act. UTA strives to ensure that all employees are informed and aware of their responsibilities as required by state regulations.

Texas State laws, SB 212 and HB 1735, became effective January 1, 2020, and have a significant effect on UTA’s employees and UTA’s Title IX obligations.

Key Points

  • Starting January 1, 2020, all employees (including student employees) who, in the course and scope of employment, witnesses or receives information regarding an incident that the employee reasonably believes could constitute a Title IX incident that involves a current student or employee, is required to report promptly to the Title IX Coordinator or a deputy coordinator all relevant information that is known about the incident regardless of when or where the incident occurred.
  • Retaliation against persons who report, cooperate or participate in an investigation or disciplinary process is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action.
  • Exceptions to the mandatory reporting requirement:
    • Employees who have been designated by the university as confidential employees and acting in the course and scope of their duties at the time of the disclosure is made. Information disclosed to a confidential employee may only be shared with the alleged victim’s written consent. Under new state law, confidential employees are required to report the type of incident only.
    • Alleged victims are not required to report their own incident.
    • Employees are not required to report an incident that is disclosed at a public awareness event that is sponsored by the institution or sponsored by a student organization.
  • Consequences for failure to report or filing a false report:
    • An employee who fails to report or falsely reports an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking may be subject to a criminal offense (misdemeanor).
    • The University must terminate any employee who it determines in accordance with the institution’s disciplinary procedure to have not made a required report.

For more information or training requests on Title IX and/or new state legislation, contact Title IX Coordinator, Michelle Willbanks at titleix@uta.edu or fill out a training request form.

Frequently Asked Questions

SB 212 and HB 1735, which passed in the 86th Texas legislative session, contains state provisions that apply to Title IX-related institutional policies, processes, and procedures. U.T. System has issued guidance on and The Texas Higher Education Board (“THECB”) has adopted administrative rules for SB 212 and HB 1735. The UTA Title IX Office has conducted training across campus the past few months on these updates. Questions continue to arise, which we hope to answer in these FAQ’s. These FAQ’s will continue to be updated as necessary.

UTA Policy EI-PO8 states, Employees (other than Confidential Employees, as defined by the policy) have the duty to report incidents of, and information reasonably believed to be, sexual misconduct to the Title IX Office, which they learn about during the course and scope of employment.

No. The administrative rules state that the term course and scope of employment means an employee performing duties in the furtherance of the institution’s interests, and therefore, an employee’s personal time would not constitute “course and scope of employment. Essentially it means while on campus or otherwise on the job. If an employee learns of an incident during their personal time it is not required to be reported.

An employee is required to report if the student is enrolled at the institution at the time of the alleged incident. Due to the academic nature of these types of assignments, unless it is reasonably clear from the paper that the student was enrolled at the time of the incident, it is not required to be reported to the Title IX Coordinator.

No. Visiting scholars are not required to report if the visiting scholars are not employees of UTA, but are encouraged to do so. However, if UTA contracts or sponsors the visiting scholar (e.g. visiting faculty or researcher (unpaid)) while at UTA, UTA can include a reporting requirement of the visiting scholar to report, per the conditions of their visiting scholar contract with UTA.

No. University volunteers are not required to report if they are not employees of UTA, although we encourage them to do so. However, if UTA contracts or sponsors the volunteers through a department or program at UTA, UTA can include a reporting requirement of the volunteers, per the conditions of their volunteer agreement with the department or program.

If Employee A is notified of an incident from the victim or a witness to the incident then Employee A must report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator even if Employee A knows the incident was reported to the Title IX Coordinator by someone else. The reason for this is often the alleged victim or witness may report different, or additional, details to different employees.

If the UTA nurse or other health care professional is treating a student then the UTA nurse or other health care professional is required to report the type of incident to the Title IX Coordinator, but not specific details of the incident.

Absent consent from an involved party of the reported alleged incident, the Texas statute allows disclosures to university employees who are necessary for an investigation or other related hearings, adjudication process, coordination of the incident response, or implementation of interim measures.

No, however we encourage them to do so. Although third-party vendor staff might manage spaces on the UTA premises, they staff their operations independently of the postsecondary educational institution. Therefore, third-party vendor staff are not required to report since the staff are employed directly with the third-party vendor. However, if UTA contracts with the third-party vendor, UTA can include a reporting requirement, per their conditions of employment and contract with the institution. Third party vendors are required to abide by other UTA policies.