How Do I Participate?

You are most likely already participating in one of the 5 qualifying activity types. Students who engage in at least 3 experiences of the 5 activity types will qualify for distinction and should apply during your graduating semester. The Maverick Advantage review team will schedule a reflective interview with you to complete the Maverick Advantage Distinction process.

What Do I Get For Doing This? Why Do It?

First and foremost, we want all Mavericks to be highly competitive for future opportunities because they have applicable skills gained through hands-on experience. Secondly, our application and interview process allows students to improve their ability to talk about these experiences in a professional capacity. And, last but not least, students who complete the distinction process will receive a Certificate of Distinction and specialized graduation stole through the Maverick Advantage.

When Should I Apply?

It is best to apply during your graduating semester before the semester deadline. This deadline usually coincides with deadline for completing Marching Order for commencement.

What Experiences Count Towards Getting Maverick Advantage Distinction?

High impact experiences that allow you to develop valuable skills relevant to the 5 qualifying activity types count towards distinction. These experiences may be part of an academic course, an university activity, club, or program, and/or through an opportunity wholly separate from the university. Research seminars, study abroad, lab work, club or organizational leadership, a current job or internship, regular volunteering with your faith organization, serving on a board, military service, a service-learning course, etc. This list could go on. Any experience that allowed you to apply skills or knowledge, especially over a significant amount of time, counts towards distinction.

Your best resource for identifying high impact activities that count towards the Maverick Advantage is through your Experiential Major Map (EMM). There is an EMM unique to every major.
Experiential learning is the practice of learning through experience. Usually this involves participating in a challenging learning activity, the process of reflecting on the experience (mistakes, successes, etc.), and then applying lessons learned to new opportunities.

The Maverick Advantage Team will contact you with specific dates and locations to pick up your stole. In general, you have 3 options:

1. You may pick up your stole at a celebration event or in the VPSA office the week before commencement.

2. You may pick up your stole in the graduate prep area immediately before your commencement ceremony.

3. For distance learners who will not be attending commencement, the university will mail your commencement stole and certificate.

A high impact practice is an activity that results in higher success rates for students and their learning. Examples include but are not limited to service-learning courses, internships, study abroad, research, capstone projects, etc.
The Maverick Advantage is for all students. Graduate students who apply will participate in interviews tailored to their academic and professional level in most cases. We’ve had many masters graduates and a handful of doctoral candidates complete the Maverick Advantage.
No. The Maverick Advantage Distinction is only awarded to graduating students. If you believe that you have completed requirements for distinction early… fantastic! We love this. The goal of the Maverick Advantage and Experiential Learning Initiatives at UTA is that students will practice important skills for lifelong learning. So, take what you’ve learned so far, take a risk, and apply it to something new. We’ll look forward to hearing about those risks your graduating year.
No. If you attain more than one degree at UTA and you achieved distinction during your first degree, then you do not need to apply again. The distinction reflects your investment in life-long learning. You can, however, wear your Maverick Advantage stole at any UTA commencements you are part of after your initial achievement.
The great thing about experiential learning is that it can happen anywhere. Professional, leadership, research, global, and community engagement experiences gained through assigned projects, job experiences, and outside organizations all count towards distinction. Online students may absolutely qualify for distinction. We want to help you process these experiences and enhance your communication about them.