Scholarships offered at UTA open the door to college education
For many, scholarships provide not only a pathway to cheaper tuition, but a definitive road to a college education in general. Although scholarships are available to many prospective and continuing students, only a fraction of students will apply for any.
A 2023 study by Sallie Mae found that 39% of families in the US didn’t use scholarships to help with tuition costs. Among families that didn’t rely on scholarships, only 26% applied. The main reasons for not applying were a lack of awareness of available scholarships, the belief that they wouldn’t be awarded a scholarship, and the thought that applications required too much effort.
“What’s disappointing is, there’s scholarships that go unawarded...,” said Lisa Hooks, University of Texas at Arlington college of Business, Director of Academic Recruiting. “When you look at datasets of incoming freshman and what the university scholarship offer was to them, you see that there's still a large number of students who warrant more support.”
Many of those surveyed by Sallie Mae either didn’t believe they had time to apply or counted themselves out prior to applying for scholarships. Of those who didn’t apply, 20% said it was too much effort to apply, and 44% said they didn’t think they’d be awarded a scholarship.
Though the process of applying for scholarships may seem daunting with essays, GPA requirements, and other stipulations, it all comes down to taking the first step in the application process for the chance to change your college experience. For one UTA College of Business student, it came down to taking the first step in the application process.
Brisa Povse, University of Texas at Arlington College of Business Marketing student poses for a photo in at UTA on April 26, 2024. Brisa has received the Dean’s Leadership Circle scholarship to aid her in her pursuit of a college degree.
“It’s not a hard process. Dedicate one day to looking through applications and another filling them out,” said Brisa Povse, a Sophomore Marketing Major at the University of Texas at Arlington College of Business. “It’s worth trying because it can provide so much that you may not even realize until you get that scholarship.”
Brisa is a recipient of the College of Business Deans Leadership Circle Scholarship and the Maverick Academic Scholarship. Although some apply for partial scholarships to lighten the financial load of attaining a college education, for Brisa, it was imperative for her attendance to UTA.
“My parents pushed me to apply for scholarships. They moved here to give my brother and I opportunities, but they weren’t able to support me financially through school. I knew UTA offered a lot of scholarships, so I got online and began searching.” Brisa explained.
Brisa searched through the scholarships offered at UTA and the College of Business before the DLC Scholarship caught her attention with financial support and networking and leadership opportunities. She explained how quickly she was able to apply for the scholarship.
“I actually ended up applying for the DLC Scholarship on the last day they were accepting applications,” Brisa said. “I needed two recommendations that could speak to my leadership experience, an essay focused on leadership and what I wanted to do with my degree. It’s incredibly simple and not nearly as daunting as many people might expect. It really comes down to you being genuine, showing your true colors and being honest.”
Shortly after applying for the DLC Scholarship, Brisa was notified that she had received the scholarship.
“They literally got back to me a week and a half later. I honestly teared up a little bit and thought ‘there’s no way that I got this’. My mom was sitting next to me, and she was incredibly happy. It took a huge weight off my shoulders and gave me a massive sense of relief. I knew it would let me focus on my studies and organize my schedule better.”
The DLC Scholarship is just one of many scholarships offered at the UTA College of Business, many are geared toward students of various backgrounds, financial situations, and degree types lending themselves to any situation or program type.
For the year 2024-2025 alone, the College of Business has over $435,000 available scholarship funds, including endowed scholarships under the Dean and the Dean’s Leadership Circle. The academic departments also have approximately $165,000 available to award.
Along with financial assistance, many scholarships offered at UTA, and the College of Business create opportunities to network, grow, and even attain internships in various career fields.
“This University and Scholarship has provided so many resources to me to where I’ve gained so much confidence. It’s prepared me socially and academically. I’m way more motivated to apply for more scholarships and continue my education.”
Brisa Povse, University of Texas at Arlington College of Business Marketing student, writes on a whiteboard at UTA on April 26, 2024. Brisa has received many networking and career development opportunities throughout her time at UTA.
Brisa isn’t alone in her continued application for scholarships to help her succeed in her education; the College of Business recruiting department has seen it repeatedly.
“Once someone gets a scholarship, we’ve seen that they apply for more,” said Lisa. “I’ve been on scholarship committees for a number of years, and you begin to see the same names year after year. The problem we want to solve, is getting other students to apply and know that these scholarships exist.”
Scholarships offer students opportunities to attend school without the burden of high tuition costs or other expenditures. Whether it could cover your entire college education, or a part of it, applying for scholarships can go a long way in keeping you on a path toward your ultimate goals.
“It’s really important to us that we transform lives. It’s why we are here,” said Lisa. “Our student population needs support. Part of the reason I work in higher education is so I can help others find their way. That is having impact, that’s why I and others are here.”
For more information about scholarships, visit the UTA Financial Aid and Scholarships website at All Opportunities - The University of Texas at Arlington Scholarships (
The College of Business also offers various and more specific scholarships, including a Fast Track Scholarship which combines funds for initial and continuing students, for more information visit: