General Information

  • Academic Common Market agreement provides reciprocal higher educational opportunities to the citizens of states declared as parties to the Southern Regional Education Compact. Participating individuals are allowed to pay resident tuition rates as a graduate student if the program of study is not offered in their home state.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 160.07 and TEC 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Contact Graduate Admissions



Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Graduate Admissions

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from mandatory tuition, fees, and charges except Property Deposit, charges for lodging, board, clothing, parking, and other voluntary and/or late fees and charges.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.367 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Student must provide proof of being adopted and the subject of an adoption assistance agreement under Subchapter D, Chapter 162, Family Code that provided monthly payments and medical assistance benefits; and was not limited to providing only for reimbursement of nonrecurring expenses per 54.367.
  • Student must provide a copy of a state-issued ID.



Tuition, Fees, and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of Student Accounts, University Administration Building

Legal Reference

General Information

Provide tuition assistance in the form of exemption of all dues, fees, and charges for any child of an eligible disabled or deceased firefighter or law enforcement officer injured in the line of duty.

**Note: Exemption from tuition is only for courses in which the institution receives formula funding (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its costs).

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.351 and 51.9095.

To be determined eligible for this exemption by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), the following criteria must be met by the parent:

Parent was once a paid or volunteer:

  • Firefighter
  • Municipal peace officer
  • County peace officer
  • State peace officer
  • State game warden; OR
  • Paid custodial officer of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice—in the state of Texas; and

Parent suffered a work-related injury in the line of duty that resulted in death or disability.

  • If parent was disabled, the disability determination must be issued by a physician designated to make disability reports to the Social Security Administration.

To qualify for this exemption, the applicant must:

  • Apply before reaching the age of 21 (or 22 if the student was eligible to participate in a school district’s special education program);
  • Meet all entrance requirements of the institution;
  • Be enrolled as an undergraduate student or be attending only undergraduate courses;
  • Have an Eligibility Determination Letter from the THECB on file with the institution confirming that the student meets all tuition exemption program requirements;
  • Be under the age of 26 at the start of the semester or term; and
  • Have filed a selective service statement of registration status and proof of status with their institution (not applicable if attending a public community college).

To continue receiving this exemption after initially being awarded, the student must:

  • Meet all program eligibility requirements;
  • Meet the institution’s financial aid GPA requirement;
  • Not have attempted an excessive number of semester credit hours as an undergraduate student (see Texas Education Code, Section 54.014).
  • Not have reached 26 years of age; and
  • Not have registered for more than 120 undergraduate semester credit hours.

Required Documentation

  • Letter from Texas Education Coordinating Board certifying student's parent died or was disabled in the line of duty.
  • Student must provide a copy of a state-issued ID.


  • Exemption may only be used for the first 120 undergraduate credit hours for which the student registers. Student NOT entitled to exemption if they do not apply initially for this exemption before their 21st birthday; or when they become 22 if they are eligible to participate in a school district's special education program under Section 29.003; or after the date they become 26 years of age.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of Student Accounts, University Administration Building

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Waives tuition for children of certain professional nursing faculty or staff employed by UTA.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.355 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

Form to be completed by student, and parent. Parent to submit completed form to employing Nursing department for verification.


  • Parent must be employed by UTA at the beginning of the semester as a full-time member of faculty or staff in the professional nursing program, or be under contract for said employment at some time during the semester. Parent must hold a master's or doctoral degree in nursing, or a baccalaureate degree if employed as a full-time teaching assistant in the professional nursing program. The Child/Student must be 25 years of age or younger, including adopted child; be classified as a Texas resident for tuition purposes; have not been awarded a baccalaureate degree; be enrolled at the same institution of higher education at which parent is currently employed. Exemption may be awarded for a maximum of 10 semesters. If parent's employment is less than full time, exemption is to be prorated in accordance with parent's employment load. Under no circumstances is the exemption to be for an amount less than 25% of the student's tuition.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Waived Items:
    • Designated Tuition

Authorizing Department(s)

  • College of Nursing and Health Innovation 

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from tuition, fees, and charges except charges for lodging, board, clothing, parking, Property Deposit, and other voluntary and/or late fees and charges.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.343 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Proof from United States Department of Defense that parent, who is classified as a Texas resident, is MIA or a POW.


  • Must be under 21 years of age, or under 25 years of age if receiving majority of support from their parent.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • VA Rep/Financial Aid Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Allows a limited number of students from Mexico who have financial need to enroll in institutions throughout the state while paying Texas resident tuition rates.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.231(d) and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Student must show proof of financial need. Annual application through International Office.


  • Exemption limited to 2 students per 1,000 of overall enrollment.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Undergraduate Admissions
  • Graduate Admissions

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Teachers and professors employed at a Texas state institution of higher education and their spouse and children who register in an institution of higher education are entitled to pay Texas resident tuition rates.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.211 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Documentation from employing institution verifying at least half time employment as a teacher or professor.


The teacher or professor must be employed at least one-half time on a regular monthly salary basis by a Texas state institution of higher education.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • UTA Employing Department

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Competitive scholarship recipient entitled to pay Texas resident tuition rate.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.213 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • The scholarship must have been administered by a UTA recognized scholarship committee. Funds and selection must be under UTA's control.


  • Eligibility for waiver is tied to the academic term covered by the scholarship and is not retroactive within the term. Student must have competed with other students, including Texas residents for the award.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Authorizes Texas resident tuition rates

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Scholarship Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Competitive scholarship recipient entitled to pay Texas resident tuition rate.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.213 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • The scholarship must have been administered by a UTA recognized scholarship committee. Funds and selection must be under UTA's control.


  • Eligibility for waiver is tied to the academic term covered by the scholarship and is not retroactive within the term. Student must have competed with other students, including Texas residents, for the award.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Scholarship Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exemption from tuition is only for courses in which the institution receives formula funding (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its costs).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Texas residents with a vision-related disability (e.g., blindness, significant visual impairment) are determined eligible by Vocational Rehabilitation Services Offices through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). Students must contact their local TWC office to apply.
  • Texas residents with a hearing disability who meet certain criteria are determined eligible by Texas Health and Human Services (HHS). To apply, students must submit the Application for Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (Form 3900) to HHS.
    After eligibility is established, HHS will issue the student a certification of eligibility letter that he or she must provide to the institution’s registrar.

Eligible Students:

  • Are not required to demonstrate financial need.
  • Must be registered with Selective Service or be exempt.
  • Who meet the enrollment eligibility requirements can receive the exemption while attempting any program of study offered at an eligible institution (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree).
  • Can continue to receive the exemption in subsequent semesters or terms only if the student is meeting the institution’s grade point average (GPA) requirement for financial aid.
  • May not continue to receive the exemption while enrolled in undergraduate hours considered to be excessive. (TEC, Section 54.014)

Required Documentation

  • Student’s written statement of purpose that indicates the certificate or degree program to be pursued or the professional enhancement from the course of study for that certificate or degree program;
  • Student’s high school diploma or its equivalent;
  • Letter of recommendation from the high school principal of the student who is blind or deaf, or from a public official, or from some other responsible person who knows the student who is blind or deaf and is willing to serve as a reference; and
  • Certification for:
    • Vision-Related Disability; OR
    • Hearing Disability
  • Student must provide a copy of a state-issued ID.


  • Must meet requirements to be classified as a Texas resident.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of Student Accounts, University Administration Building

Legal Reference

General Information

Provide tuition assistance to eligible peace officers and firefighters permanently disabled due to injury suffered during the performance of duty.

**Note: Exemption is only for courses in which the institution receives formula funding (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its costs). 

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.352 and 51.9095.

To qualify for this exemption, the applicant must:

  • Be a resident of the state of Texas who has resided in Texas for at least the 12 months immediately preceding the semester for which the exemption is sought;
  • Be permanently disabled due to an injury suffered during the performance of a duty as either:
    • A peace officer of Texas or of a political subdivision of Texas; OR
    • A firefighter employed by Texas or by a political subdivision of Texas;
  • Be unable to continue employment as a peace officer or firefighter because of the disability;
  • Have filed a selective service statement of registration status and proof of status with their institution (not applicable if attending a public community college).

To continue receiving an exemption after initially being awarded, the student must:

  • Meet all program eligibility requirements;
  • Meet the institution’s financial aid GPA requirement;
  • Not have attempted an excessive number of semester credit hours as an undergraduate student (see Texas Education Code, Section 54.014).

Required Documentation

  • The head of the department which employed the eligible employee at the time the permanent disability was sustained in the line of duty should file a certificate with the Coordinating Board which will then notify the institution of higher education to grant the exemption.


  • May be used for up to 12 semesters of undergraduate classes. May be used for Master's or Doctoral if officer has not previously received a Master's or Doctoral degree using the exemption. Must be Texas resident and has resided in Texas at least 12 month preceding the beginning of the semester for which the exemption is sought.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Authorizes Texas resident tuition rates

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of Student Accounts, University Administration Building

Legal Reference

General Information

Certain fees are waived for students enrolled only in distance education courses during a given term.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.218 and 51.9095

Required Documentation

  • Course section(s) must be set up in MyMav as distance education.


  • If also enrolled in traditional, on campus courses within the same term, the distance learning only waiver does not apply, and no fees are waived for any courses for the term.

Tuition, Fees, and Charges

Distance Education Only students are eligible to have the following fees waived:

  • ID Card fee, Recreational Facilities fee, Student Union fee, International Education fee, Intercollegiate Athletics fee and Medical Service fee. 

Authorizing Department(s)

  • None

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Students are charged a reduced UTA Flat Rate which reflects the waiver of tuition, except statutory tuition. Enhanced Designated Tuition is also waived.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.216 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Students must be admitted to the Early Admissions Program.



Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Honors College

Legal Reference

General Information

  • An individual who has come from outside Texas and registered in an educational institution before having resided in Texas for a 12-month period immediately preceding the date of registration is entitled to pay Texas resident tuition rates if the individual or member of their family has located in Texas as an employee of a business or organization that became established in this state as part of the Program of State Economic Development. Must file letter of intent to establish residency with educational institution.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.222 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Letter from Coordinating Board certifying eligibility.



Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Graduate Admissions
  • UG Admissions

Legal Reference

General Information

Provide higher education benefits (exemption of tuition, fees and textbooks) to the spouse and children of individuals in specific public servant positions who were killed in the line of duty.  If a student qualifies to live in institutional housing, the cost of food and housing is exempted.

**Note: Exemption is only for courses in which the institution receives formula funding (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its costs). 

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.354 and 51.9095.

To qualify for this exemption, the applicant must:

  • Be an eligible surviving spouse or surviving minor child of certain individuals killed in the line of duty on or after Sept. 1, 2000;
    • While there is no age or time limit in which to apply, children must have been younger than 18 years of age on the date of death to qualify;
  • Be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student in a Texas public college or university;
  • Have filed a selective service statement of registration status and proof of status with their institution (not applicable if attending a public community college).

Note: If the individual died in the line of duty prior to Sept.1, 2000, the child may be eligible for the Children of Disabled or Deceased Firefighters or Law Enforcement Officers program.

To continue receiving an exemption after initially being awarded, the student must:

  • Meet all program eligibility requirements;
  • Meet the institution’s financial aid GPA requirement;
  • Not have attempted an excessive number of semester credit hours as an undergraduate student (see Texas Education Code, Section 54.014).
  • Not have received a bachelor’s degree;
  • Not have attempted more than 200 semester credit hours while receiving the exemption.

Required Documentation

  • Letter from official at police department where officer was employed at the time of death certifying eligibility and confirming death occurred in the line of duty.


  • Waiver may be used at institute of higher education until the student receives a bachelor's degree or 200 hours of course work, whichever occurs first.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Usual tuition is charged at registration. Upon presentation of proper documentation to the Scholarship Office, the appropriate credit for tuition or tuition and mandatory fees is applied to the student's registration account as a scholarship.

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Scholarship Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from tuition, and required fees. Exempt from charges for lodging and board if residing on campus. Will receive reasonable stipend to cover lodging and board if not residing on campus. Scholarship to cover costs of books and educational supplies.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.342 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation



  • Exemption valid for a maximum of 120 semester credit hours. Must be a Texas resident and have been a resident of Texas at the time of original entry into the United States armed forces; was first classified as a prisoner of war by the United States Department of Defense on or after January 1, 1999; and be enrolled for at least 12 semester credit hours.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • VA Rep/Financial Aid Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Allows firefighters holding specific credentials eligible for certain tuition and fee exemptions. 

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code (TEC) Section 54.353.

Required Documentation

  • Student must submit a letter verifying his/her employment.
    • The employment verification letter must be on letterhead from the governmental entity issuing the letter.
    • Must be signed by their supervisor and must verify that the student is employed as a firefighter, including date of hire.
    • The student’s title and the title of the supervisor must be included.
    • The letter must be dated no more than one month prior to the date the application for exemption is submitted and is subject to verification.
  • Student must submit the Application for Tuition Exemption Per TEC 54.353: Firefighter Enrolled in Fire Science courses(s) by scanning and submitting via email to or present in person to the Office of the Registrar, Room 129, University Administration Building. The application is available here: Firefighter Safety Exemption
  • The exemption must be renewed each term, including submission of a new application and letter confirming employment as a firefighter each term.


  • Is employed as a firefighter by a political subdivision of this state; or
  • Is currently, and has been for at least one year, an active member of an organized volunteer fire department participating in the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System or a retirement system established under the Texas Local Fire Fighters Retirement Act (Article 6243e, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes) and who holds:
    • an Accredited Advanced level of certification (or an equivalent successor certification), under the State Firemen's and Fire Marshals' Association of Texas volunteer certification program; or
    • Phase V (Firefighter II) certification (or an equivalent successor certification), under the Texas Commission of Fire Protection's voluntary certification program under Section 419.071, Government Code.
  • Only Fire Science Courses are eligible: Courses that fall within a designated fire science curriculum, as well as courses that are primarily related to fire service, emergency medicine, emergency management, or public administration
  • Please note: UT Arlington only offers public administration in the Masters of Public Administration (MPA) program for this exemption.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Tuition and laboratory fees for courses offered as part of a fire science curriculum. Required fees are not waived.

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of the Registrar, University Administration Building

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from tuition, fees, and charges except Property Deposit, charges for lodging, board, clothing, parking, and other voluntary and/or late fees and charges.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.366 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Student must provide proof of having been in foster care or other residential care under the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.
  • Student must provide a copy of a state-issued ID.


  • A student is eligible for this exemption if they were in foster care or other residential care under the conservatorship of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services:
  1. on the day preceding the student's 18th birthday; or
  2. on or after the day of the student's 14th birthday, if the student was also eligible for adoption on or after that day; or
  3. on the day the student graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma
  4. or during an academic term in which the student was enrolled in a dual credit course
  • Additionally, the student must enroll in a public institution of higher education (or a high school Dual Credit program) within the state of Texas no later than the student's 25th birthday.

For more information, view the following video:

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of Student Accounts, University Administration Building

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Waives tuition only for limited number of native born students from other nations of American hemisphere and certain Latin American countries. A competitive award which applies only to the semesters for which the student is selected for the award by the Coordinating Board.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.331 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation


  • Must be classified as non-resident to be eligible for this award.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Waived Items:
    • Designated Tuition
    • Non-Resident Tuition Increment

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Scholarship Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from tuition, fees, and charges EXCEPT Student Services Fee, charges for lodging, board, clothing, parking, Property Deposit, and other voluntary and/or late fees and charges.

    Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.341 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Student must provide official documentation from the military indicating:

    1.  A parent or spouse was a members of the U.S. armed forces who was killed in action, who die or died while in service, is MIA, whose death is documented to be directly caused by illness or injury related to service in the U.S. armed forces, or who become totally disabled for purposes of employability according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' disability rating as a result of a service-related injury; or
    2. A parent or spouse was a member of the Texas National Guard who after January 1, 1946, was killed while on active duty or became totally disabled for purposes of employability according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' disability rating as a result of a service-related injury.


  • To qualify a person must be a citizen of Texas and have resided in Texas for at least 12 months preceding date of person's registration. A child is a person who is 25 or younger on the first day of the semester for which the exemption is claimed. Cannot exceed a cumulative total of 150 credit hours.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • None

Authorizing Department(s)

  • VA Rep/Financial Aid Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from tuition, fees and charges EXCEPT Student Services Fee, Property Deposit, charges for lodging, board, clothing, parking, and other voluntary and/or late fees and charges.

    Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.341 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation


  • Student must provide official documentation indicating eligibility (usually the DD214) plus documentation from Financial Aid regarding eligibility for Pell or SEOG.



  • Currently resides in Texas (unless the student received the exemption prior to fall 2011) Entered the service at a location in Texas Declared Texas as the person's home of record or would have been a resident of Texas under Subchapter B at the time of entry Served in U.S. armed forces in World War II, Korean Conflict, the Cold War, Vietnam, Grenada era, Lebanon, Panama, Persian Gulf, the national emergency related to 9/11/2001 Honorably discharged Not eligible for federal education benefits NOT TO EXCEED 150 CREDIT HOURS (assignment of unused hours to children under 25 years of age may be authorized by the veteran or following the death of an eligible veteran)

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Authorizes Hazelwood exemption

Authorizing Department(s)

  • VA Rep/Financial Aid Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Waives tuition for two regular semesters for highest ranking graduate from accredited Texas high school.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.301 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Certificate issue by Texas Education Agency (TEA)


  • Must be used the first regular session immediately following their graduation. An exemption may be granted for any of the first four regular sessions when, in the opinion of the university president, the situation warrants special consideration, such as in the case of military duty.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Waived Items:
    • Designated Tuition

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Scholarship Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Exempt from tuition, fees, and charges.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.231(d), 51.903 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Student must be nominated by foreign partner institution for exchange program to the International Office and approved by UTA for admission.


  • Limit of 12 months in REEP.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • International Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Allows military personnel assigned to duty in Texas and their family to pay Texas resident tuition rates.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.241 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Must provide documentation from the military proving eligibility at least once each year.


  • Military personnel no longer stationed in Texas and their family may still be eligible for this waiver if they meet criteria as outlined in TEC 54.241.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Graduate Admissions
  • UG Admissions

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Students who are members of the State Military Forces (Texas National Guard, Texas Air Guard and the State Guard) and who have been awarded tuition and fees assistance are exempt from Texas Resident Tuition and all mandatory fees for the semester in which the student receives the award.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.345 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • The adjutant general of the state military forces must certify to the University of Texas at Arlington the student has been awarded assistance for tuition and mandatory fees.


  • Can be used for a maximum of 12 hours per semester.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • VA Rep/Financial Aid Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • A nonimmigrant alien who resides in Texas in accordance with the agreement between the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their Forces and the spouse or children of such an alien are residents for tuition and fee purposes.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.232 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Proof that family is stationed in Texas in keeping with the North Atlantic Treaty.



Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Graduate Admissions
  • UG Admissions

Legal Reference

General Information

  • A Registered nurse authorized to practice professional nursing in Texas who would otherwise be required to pay non-Texas resident tuition may be allowed to pay Texas resident tuition rates.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.251 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

Nursing Graduate Students Planning to Teach application form


  • Student must be enrolled in a program designed to lead to a master's degree or other higher degree in nursing AND intend to teach in a program in Texas designed to prepare students for licensure as registered nurses.
  • Student must be enrolled in 5000 level or higher courses.
  • Application must be submitted two weeks prior to the payment due date of the term the student first applies for the waiver.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • College of Nursing and Health Innovation 

Legal Reference

General Information

Waives tuition and lab fees only. Does not exempt required fees. Waiver applies only to Criminal Justice courses for Peace Officers in an undergraduate Criminal Justice degree seeking program. Additional detailed information is available at

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.3531 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

Letter from employing agency verifying officer's CURRENT employment and title as a peace officer and completed Application for Tuition Exemption per TEC 54.3531 form #2-65. The letter must be dated no more than one month prior to the date of application and is subject to verification. Form is available at Application_for_Tuition_Exemption_per_TEC_54_Peace_Officer.pdfPlease print form and complete. Completed exemption form and verification of employment must be presented together to the Office of Admissions, Records and Registration either in person at Room 129, E. E. Davis Hall, via fax at 817-272-3223, or scanned and submitted via email at Complete application packets are processed in the order received.


  • 1. Student must submit all required documentation to apply for exemption PRIOR to the last day of the institution's regular registration period for that semester/term; 2. Only required Criminal Justice courses for which the institution receives formula funding are eligible for the tuition exemption; 3. Exemption limited to no more than 20% of the maximum enrollment for that class; 4. Student must be currently employed as a peace officer by this state or by a political subdivision of Texas; 5. Student must be making satisfactory academic progress and enrolled as an undergraduate in an undergraduate Criminal Justice degree seeking program; 6. Student must be enrolled in the Criminal Justice class(es) for which the exemption is being requested at the time s/he submits the application; 7. Additional restrictions apply to Telecampus home and host students; see

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Registrar's Office

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Waives up to $500 tuition per term for preceptors for professional nursing programs and their children. Student is charged a reduced UTA Flat Rate which reflects the waived tuition.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.356 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

Form to be completed by the student and/or parent. Parent to submit completed form to employing Nursing department for verification.


  • Preceptor must be a registered nurse and be serving as clinical preceptor under a written preceptor agreement with an undergraduate professional nursing program for the term for which the exemption is sought. For children of a preceptor additional requirements are that the child must be under the age of 25 and not have received a baccalaureate degree. If student's tuition is less than $500, only the actual tuition amount charged shall be waived. Exemption valid for a maximum of 10 semesters. Student must be classified as Texas resident .

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Waives a maximum of $500 tuition per term

Authorizing Department(s)

  • College of Nursing and Health Innovation   

Legal Reference

General Information

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.365 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • Must show proof of age and complete application in Admissions Office.


  • Students must register during late registration as exemption is limited to space availability. Tuition waived for maximum of 6 hours per semester. Students enrolled in Accelerated Online courses are not eligible for waiver.

Tuition, Fees and Charges

  • Waived Items:
    • Designated Tuition

Authorizing Department(s)

  • Graduate Admissions
  • UG Admissions

Legal Reference

General Information

  • A teaching assistant or research assistant of any institution of higher education and their spouse and children are entitled to pay Texas resident tuition rates

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code SECTION 54.212 and 51.9095.

Required Documentation

Employment information must be complete and entered in the system. Non-UTA teaching and research assistants must provide documentation from their employing institution verifying employment.


  • TA or RA must be employed at least 50% time in a teaching or research position which relates to the assistant's degree program

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Graduate Studies

Legal Reference

General Information

  • Sec. 103.054. PAYMENT OF CERTAIN TUITION AND FEES. If requested by the claimant before the seventh anniversary of the date the claimant received the pardon or was granted relief as required by Section 103.001, tuition for up to 120 credit hours, including tuition charged under Section 54.0513, Education Code, or any other law granting an educational institution discretion to set the tuition rate, and any mandatory fees associated with attendance at the institution, charged by a career center or public institution of higher education shall be paid on behalf of the claimant. Added by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 180, Sec. 6, eff. September 1, 2009.

Eligibility: See Texas Education Code 51.9095.

Required Documentation

  • APPLICATION PROCEDURE. (a) As requested by the Texas Comptroller's Office, to apply for compensation under this subchapter, the claimant must file with the comptroller's judiciary section various required documents per Sec 103.051 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code. Student must present document from Comptroller office indicating approval and authorizing payment.


  • Can be used for a maximum of 120 hours.

Tuition, Fees and Charges


Authorizing Department(s)

  • Office of Student Accounts, University Administration Building

Legal Reference