Department Policies and Procedures Manual Template


The Compliance, Accountability, Risk and Ethics Committee have developed and approved a Departmental Policies and Procedures Manual Template. This provides information regarding the location of the University's Policies and Procedures and assists you in documenting how your department ensures compliance with these policies and procedures. A Manual specific to each department will also provide guidance to employees by including information on who handles certain items within a department and who may be called for assistance. Once developed within your unit, the Manual will serve as an important reference document to help provide consistency in the event of employee absence or staff turnover.

If your department already has a Manual, please review the template to ensure that your manual includes all of the required information. Please use the section entitled "Other Issues/Areas Pertinent to the Department" for those items specific to your particular unit.

The Manual template is available by clicking on the buttons below.


Part I - All Departments

Part II - Academic Departments Only


Questions should be directed to University Compliance Services at (817) 272-2080 or