634 Nedderman Hall
Box 19019
416 Yates Street
Arlington, TX 76019-0019
Graduate Certificate in Unmanned Vehicle Systems (MAE)
The Certificate in UVS (Unmanned Vehicle Systems) is offered through the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department and will educate graduate students and train practicing engineers in selected areas required for the design, development and operation of UVS including UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems), UGS (Unmanned Ground Systems) and UMS (Unmanned Maritime Systems). The certificate program will emphasize the common aspects of UVS including sensors, actuators, communications and more importantly decision-making capabilities (autonomy), while also covering development of domain-specific mobile platforms such as airplane, rotorcraft, Ackerman steering car and boat. A student after completing this program will be familiar with the UVS-related concepts, theories and enabling technologies, and their interrelations while at the same time gaining a focused experience in specific areas of his/her choice. This program will also give students the opportunity to gain practical experience contributing to a larger system by working in a multidisciplinary environment. This program aims at the dual goal of providing the UVS industry with a knowledgeable, locally available workforce and developing career opportunities for its participants.