634 Nedderman Hall
Box 19019
416 Yates Street
Arlington, TX 76019-0019
Built Infrastructure
Recent Highlights
Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability (SWIS)
The mission of the Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability (SWIS) is to develop clean and healthy urban cities through sustainable waste management.
Research Highlights
Keeping transportation infrastructure operating during COVID-19
UTA is working to keep transportation construction workers safe during the pandemic while ensuring that critical infrastructure systems are properly inspected and maintained.
Underground freight delivery
A UTA civil engineer and his team are working to determine how to create a network of underground freight-delivery tunnels to reduce congestion on roads and speed transportation of goods from point to point.
Using optical fibers to create sensor networks to detect damage to buildings
A UTA mechanical engineer is working with the Office of Naval Research to investigate the use of optical fibers as ultrasound waveguides to create sensor networks that can be implemented to detect when and where damage occurs within a structure. These networks could be key components for structural health monitoring, the process of continuously checking the condition of components of buildings, ships and other structures in real time.
Robotic sewer line inspection
UTA and several North Texas cities are collaborating on robotic inspections of miles of city sewer pipelines to provide estimates on the remaining service life of the pipelines.
Innovative approaches to stabilizing bridges and highway slopes
UTA is working with the Texas Department of Transportation to investigate the use of recycled plastic pins to repair deep-seated failures on embankments and the areas around highway bridges.
Environmentally-friendly concrete
A team of UTA researchers are using a National Science Foundation grant to develop new concrete materials that have longer lives and leave more environmentally friendly footprints.
Solving leakage issues in large-diameter pipes
A UTA researcher is teaming with the Indian Society for Trenchless Technology to work with the government of India to solve leakage of large-diameter pipes that carry storm water to provide hydroelectric power to Indian communities.
Applying business principles to earthquake preparedness
A UTA civil engineer is using a National Science Foundation to develop an algorithm that uses risk aversion principles from the business world to model the effects of earthquakes on water pipeline infrastructure. The model will determine how best to use limited infrastructure funding to make pipelines less prone to earthquake damage.
Turning food waste into energy
UTA is helping the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) determine how much more energy can be generated by diverting food waste from landfills to anaerobic food digesters.
Detecting and repairing large gas leaks
A UTA researcher is investigating leak detection and repair methods for underground pipelines, especially large leak scenarios, and reducing natural gas emissions and decreasing the likelihood of accidents due to leaks.
Accelerated Pavement Testing Center
The APT loading device used is the Pavement Testing Machine (PTM) machine, which is a transportable linear device capable of applying single axle loads up to a nominal 36,000 pounds in uni-directional and bi-directional modes, at speeds up to 5 mph. The test pavement length on which the speed of the axle is constant is 20 ft. with optional transverse wander over 30 in. Up to 600 axle loads can be applied in one hour. A fully enclosed environmental control chamber is used for temperature control. The PTM can be easily transported to allow in-situ testing.
Center for Advanced Construction Materials (ACM)
ACM is a state-of-the-art interdisciplinary, civil engineering and materials science University Center of Excellence for developing, characterizing, and testing innovative and smart materials for the infrastructure. Researchers design and implement the use of sustainable and smart materials; address the societal needs of infrastructure and new types of construction; and create new pathways for a circular economy for the construction industry.
Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education (CUIRE)
The Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education is a university/government/industry cooperative research center which provides national and international leadership in research, outreach and education activities which enhances cost effectiveness, construction productivity, environmental improvement and renewal of the aging underground infrastructure.
Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability (SWIS)
SWIS is an Organized Research Center of Excellence dedicated to developing clean and healthy urban cities through sustainable waste management. SWIS combines science, engineering, and social science expertise to develop new methodologies and solutions that allow researchers to explore international paths to sustainable waste management. SWIS works for a better future by developing sustainable solid waste management that incorporates the economy, people and environment which will be beneficial to all.