634 Nedderman Hall
Box 19019
416 Yates Street
Arlington, TX 76019-0019
Important Dates to Remember :
Fall 2024
Globe Life Field
December 13, 2024 at 2pm
*Dates are subject to change. Check UTA Commencement page for updates.
University Policy Regarding Doctoral Students Participating in Commencement
Doctoral students must submit the Dissertation Defense Report showing the dissertation has been defended successfully to the Office of Records no later than one week before the first scheduled university Commencement ceremony in order to participate in any college/school ceremony. The Office of Records and Registration will send a list of all doctoral students who have not defended their dissertations to each academic dean immediately after this deadline has passed. The Dean will inform these students that they will not be allowed to participate and the Dean will invite them to participate in a Commencement Ceremony taking place in a later semester after they have met all requirements for their degree. Doctoral students who do not participate in Commencement may still graduate and receive their degrees in that term if they complete their defenses and other requirements by deadlines set by Records and Registration.
If you have missed the deadline to apply to graduate, follow these steps:
- Apply for graduation in the next available semester on MyMav.
- Meet with Departmental Advisor/Admin to request moving graduation back one semester.
- If approved, your advisor will need to email Dr. Lynn Peterson to request approval of the student’s request.
- If Dr. Peterson approves your request, she will notify the registrar.
- The Registrar will then manually update the graduation application to the semester requested and email student (and copy advisor/admin, Dr. Peterson) to let them know the status.
- Once approved, you will need to register to participate in Commencement by the deadline.
UTA wants to see your graduation journey! Use #ForeverMaverick to share on all social media channels from now until graduation.
Grad Cap Decorating Contest
Graduating Mavericks can submit their grad cap designs during the entry period via email. Learn about the Grad Cap Contest. Send a picture of your decorated cap to socialmedia@uta.edu.
Undergraduate/Master's Exit Survey
Are you graduating this spring?
Complete the Undergraduate/Master's Exit Survey for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card.
You will receive an invitation from gradteam@uta.edu with the link to the survey.
The link will also be available in Canvas.
Ceremony Livestream
Can't make it to the College Park Center to watch the ceremony in person? Don't worry - the ceremony is livestreamed!
Dates are tentative and subject to change.
Summer 2024
Commencement ceremonies take place each May and December. Prospective graduates who become eligible to participate during a summer term are invited to participate in fall ceremonies.
Fall 2024
Friday, December 13 at Globe Life Field
2pm: College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs, College of Engineering, College of Science
Faculty Attendance Policy
Faculty should be aware of attendance policies for commencement.
Cece Henley