634 Nedderman Hall
Box 19019
416 Yates Street
Arlington, TX 76019-0019
Undergraduate Certificate in Nanotechnology
The objective of the Certificate in Nanotechnology is to provide the fundamentals, principles and applications of the emerging and exciting field of nanotechnology in the areas of energy, environment, security and human health, with weighted emphasis on the development of new materials and their applications. This program aims at the dual goal of exploring the potential of nanotechnology in addressing current global technological needs while acting as a resource for developing and educating the future workforce. Course material can be available over the internet upon request to accommodate participants from industry who do not have regular access to campus.
The certificate is open to all current science and engineering degree-seeking students and holders of a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering. For those who have not completed a bachelor’s degree, the Certificate in Nanotechnology will be awarded concurrently with an undergraduate degree. The completed certificate program of study will be forwarded to the Office of Admissions, Records and Registration for verification and notation on the student's transcript. A formal certificate will be prepared for the student by the university and recognition will be given at the graduation ceremonies.
Students must complete 15 hours of coursework as outlined below. Transferred course credit cannot be used for the certificate. Prerequisites must be met for all courses and all courses used to satisfy the certificate requirements must be passed with a minimum grade of C and their combined GPA must be at least 3.0. Consultation with the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) advisor is encouraged to check the course availability and any changes in the course requirements.