Transition Programs & Services

The Office of Transition Programs facilitates the successful transition of Transfer, First-Generation College Students and students that live off campus through targeted programs, events, resources and services.

Mavericks In Transition

Transfer Student Services, Off-Campus Maverick Initiatives, and First-Generation Initiatives fall under the purview of the Office of Transition Programs.


Our aim is to ensure that all new students and their families begin and end their journey at UTA with a positive and meaningful connection to the Maverick Way. Offering a collection of collaborative programs and services to enhance their Maverick experience and facilitate the transition, adjustment, and connection of transfer students, parents and families, off-campus students, first-generation students, and other target populations.

Core Values

  • Personal Growth & Development
  • Collaborative Partnerships
  • Awareness & Advocacy
  • Mutual Understanding & Respect
  • Student & Family Centered Programming


Student Well-being & Support - Our department will advocate for the needs of all students and their families. We will be active partners in the University's efforts to continue its cultivation of a community that cares, and its plans to provide resources and services that address the wellbeing and success of all students.

High Impact Programs & Services - We will aim to create and execute programs and events that maximize the highest level of impact toward student growth and development. We will actively collaborate with our campus and community partners to ensure we stretch the boundaries of co-curricular education, and programming.

Offices & Initiatives

A picture of two students arranging can food for food pantry distribution

Office of Transition Programs

Office of Transition Programs includes Transfer Student Services, First-Generation Initiatives, and Off-Campus Maverick Initiatives. Transition Programs facilitates the transition, adjustment and connection of students through customized and intentional programs, events and services specific to Transfer, and First-Gen students as well as Off-Campus Mavs.

Families waiting in line for hot dogs

Office of Parent & Family Services

Office of Parent & Family Services involves, educates, and supports the parents and family members of current UTA students by offering industry expertise and providing family-centered programs, events and resources to aid in the family’s successful transition through UTA.

Alternative Breaks students in a Museum

Transition Support Initiatives

An outreach and retention initiative that provides peer-to-peer support and guidance, resources and support services to incoming students in transition that have a GPA of 2.5 and lower, as well as First-Generation Hispanic Transfer students, and First-Generation African American Male students.