Career & Internships Hub

Our students have impressive career goals - it’s our job to help you reach them. The College of Business equips students with the professional tools and network to manage their career development and land their dream job. We have forged partnerships with top employers in the DFW area and beyond to connect students with high-quality recruiters.

Internship & Job Resources

UTA Lockheed Martin Center Development Center Divsion of Student Affairs

All Majors Job & Internship Fair

Open to freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, and alumni seeking full-time positions, part-time jobs, internships and field placements. See a real time list of employers on Handshake. Dress professional and have an updated electronic copy of your resume to share.

CWEP Slider


The UTA Lockheed Martin College Work Experience Program (CWEP), which allows undergraduate and graduate students to gain real-world skills and abilities relevant to their academic and career goals, is one of the numerous UTA initiatives design to increase meaningful engagement between the University and the corporate community. It aligns with UTA's maverick advantage program, which prepares students for careers through experiential hands-on learning opportunities.

Blackrock Icon


When you are launching your career, Micro-Internships provide tremendous opportunities: exploring different career paths, working on assignments that you are interested in, demonstrating your abilities to potential employers while building your professional portfolio and network. Oh, did we mention that you also get paid for all of this?

Vault Slider

Vault - Career Intelligence

Find out what it's really like to work within an industry, company, or profession, and how to position yourself to start, advance, or change your career.

VMock - Resume Building

Using sophisticated algorithms and data science, VMock analyzes hundreds of parameters from your profile, and generates a personalized score leveraging a proprietary scoring engine. Know exactly where you stand in matter of seconds.