Lauren Devoll (’13, BA, Public Relations)

"One of the beautiful things about a liberal arts education is that it opens doors to a cross-section of industry. I’ve spent time in politics, tech, and start-ups."

Lauren Devoll

Lauren Devoll sitting in a chair, leaning on the arm rest and wearing a button up and slacks.This interview is with Ms. Lauren Devoll, a graduate of the department of Communication at UTA.  

Tell us about yourself. 
I am a creative strategist and professional communicator. I currently lead the growth vertical at Numinar, an AI-powered SaaS company for political campaigns, and I am a Senior Advisor at the advisory firm Blue Owl Group. 

During my five years at Twitter, I designed global product and partnership strategy for government and civil society. 

Previous to my tenure at Twitter, I contributed to the data and digital infrastructure at the Republican Party's national committees, piloting original social media, e-commerce, and creative programs. 

I am a frequently-requested collaborator and public speaker at engagements around the world including those hosted by the U.S. Congress, NASA, the United Nations, the International Federation of the Red Cross, and the Government Social Media network. 

I received my B.A. in Public Relations from UT Arlington in 2013, I’m a proud Archer Fellow and Honors College Alumna and I’m currently an Empathetic Intelligence Fellow at the Ideos Institute. 

Any special memories about being a student at UTA?  
I joined UTA as a transfer student and adopted the Honors College as home very quickly. Working (and playing) alongside smart and dedicated students with unique cultural backgrounds was a rich, memorable experience. I still have several of those friendships today. 

Several professors in the College of Liberal Arts invested in my curiosity and helped me participate in stimulating extracurricular events. UTA Radio sent me to a political convention to record live audio coverage and the Political Science department co-sponsored civic engagement events like Presidential Debate Watches on campus. 

And oozeball! How can you not love the feeling of mud in your teeth?! 

Why did you choose your major or field of study? 
I chose to develop Communication because of the breadth of transferability across industry and I knew Public Relations could provide a tangible set of skills to get me started.

Did you receive a scholarship while at UTA? How did it help you? 
I received an award through Phi Theta Kappa that led to a full transfer scholarship at UTA. (Thank you!) 

That scholarship was instrumental to completing my undergraduate degree and providing the financial freedom for me to move to Washington DC after graduating. 

Lauren Devoll covered in mud at the 2013 Oozeball event

What can graduating Liberal Arts students do to make themselves more marketable?
The Archer Fellowship remains an instrumental launch pad for UT System students interested in going from the classroom to the capital. 

However, internships of any kind help students gain exposure to industries that pique their interest. Working alongside professionals who can give fresh, relevant advice on building a career that complements their goals and natural skill is invaluable. 

How has your Liberal Arts education helped get you where you are today? 
Liberal Arts students invest in critical thinking and exposure to historical context. Consistently practicing evaluation of the world around you and thoughtful articulation of your observations and solutions only makes you a stronger asset to any personal or professional community. 

What drew you to your industry, and what has kept you there? 
One of the beautiful things about a liberal arts education is that it opens doors to a cross-section of industry. I’ve spent time in politics, tech, and start-ups. They’re all very different industries that have taught me valuable things and I appreciate that I have such varied perspectives and experiences. 

What do you wish you knew when you were a Liberal Arts student at UTA? 
I wouldn’t tell my younger self a single thing. I’d simply encourage her to keep going, enjoy it, and hint that she would like the story ahead. I think that’s a message that many students need to hear today. It’s true, the inundation of information and anxiety can be overwhelming. But growth happens when we’re uncomfortable and from my hindsight, it really is a beautiful experience. Keep going. 


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