If You See Something Say Something


if you see something say something" src="https://cdn.web.uta.edu/-/media/project/website/campus-ops/police/images/crime-prevention/see-something-2.ashx?la=en" _languageinserted="true

Recent events, such as the Boston Marathon bombing, remind us all that safety and security is a shared responsibility. Through partnerships, we are committed to providing a comprehensive program of education, enforcement and protection services which creates a safe and secure environment.

You are the most reliable source regarding anything that appears unusual. Please be aware of your surroundings. Your effort makes a difference.

What should you look for?

  • Persons looking into parked vehicles, checking for unlocked doors, or other suspicious behavior
  • Person(s) taking notes, drawings, photos, or videos of campus facilities
  • Person(s) attempting to gain information in person, by phone, or by email about you, your home, or other personal information
  • Person(s) conducting surveillance
  • Person(s) attempting to gain access to restricted or unauthorized areas
  • Thefts of employee uniforms, badges, or packaging labels
  • Employees changing working behavior or working irregular hours
  • Unattended vehicles illegally parked in unusual areas
  • Unattended items (e.g., backpacks, boxes) within or near campus facilities

What should you do?

  • Keep your property and work areas secured
  • Be mindful that doors close and secure properly and that nobody “tailgates” through a door behind you
  • Be sure to report any suspicious persons or behavior to the UTA Police Department immediately.  The timeliness in which officers are notified of suspicious circumstances increases the potential for intervention into unauthorized or criminal behavior.