Department Info


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Welcome to the UTA Department of Psychology! Our department is a vibrant and dynamic community that takes pride in its commitment to excellence, inclusion, and engagement.

UTA’s Department of Psychology is home to a diverse and talented group of individuals, including over 1,100 undergraduate majors, 50 master’s students, and 30 Ph.D. students. We offer robust graduate and undergraduate programs that provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of psychology that shape thought, emotion, and behavior.

At the undergraduate level, our faculty members are dedicated to two essential objectives. First, we strive to prepare students for a wide range of post-baccalaureate careers by emphasizing critical thinking skills, evidence-based decision making, and a respectful attitude towards human dignity and diversity. Second, we offer a strong preparation for graduate studies in psychology and related fields, focusing on current principles and methods of psychological science and ethical considerations in the field.

Our graduate programs in Experimental Psychology (Ph.D.) and Industrial/Organizational Psychology (M.S.) are tailored for students pursuing careers in teaching, research, or applied settings. Our flexible programs and collaborative opportunities result in post-graduate placements and continued career achievements.

As a department, we place a primary emphasis on research, both in laboratory and applied settings. This unique blend of basic and applied psychology creates an exciting and enriching learning and research environment for our students.

Our mission is to conduct rigorous scientific inquiry into behavior and mental processes, exploring the biological, social, and psychological factors that underlie them. We are committed to fostering a culture of inquiry and discovery, providing a world-class education that prepares our students for successful careers in psychology and related fields.

Integrity, innovation, inclusion, inquiry, and impact are the guiding principles that shape our department's values. We firmly believe in the synergy between teaching and research, encouraging and supporting high-quality scientific research and scholarship that advances knowledge and understanding of psychological principles.

As Department Chair, my vision is to inspire a culture of excellence, inclusion, and engagement, creating an exciting environment of innovation, collaboration, and empowerment for all members of our community - faculty, students, and staff alike.

I invite you to explore our website to learn more about the exceptional opportunities and resources we offer. Whether you are a prospective student, a current member of our department, or a member of the broader academic community, I am confident that you will find the UTA Department of Psychology to be an inspiring and enriching place to learn, grow, and make a meaningful impact.

Thank you for being part of our journey, and I look forward to welcoming you to our department.


Linda Perrotti, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair

Department of Psychology