Teams in Canvas

About Teams in Canvas

Teams Class and Teams Meetings integrations are available for use in Canvas courses should you choose to utilize Teams as part of your instruction. Use of these features is optional.

OIT will no longer create Teams classes at the beginning of each semester. Instructors that choose to utilize Teams will create the Teams Class from Canvas. The resources below will guide you through the creation process, provide quick tips, and provide answers to common questions.

CDE Resources

Teams in Canvas

Instructional Video

Microsoft Resources

Creating a Teams Class in Canvas

Teams Class Click-through Demo

Creating a new Teams Meeting from Canvas

Teams Meeting Click-through Demo

Quick Tips and Support

  • When scheduling a meeting, open the meeting options and set the presenter to “Only me.” If students need the ability to present, promote them within the meeting.
  • Students have the ability to create meetings. Make your expectations for meeting creation clear at the beginning of the course.
  • Cross-list your course sections first, then enable the Sync in the primary course.

UTA's Help Desk will continue to support Teams. If you need assistance, please submit a Service Now request.

Feature Updates

Microsoft will continue to develop the integrations to enhance functionality and add new features. Visit the OIT Microsoft Updates page to review the latest feature updates.


Visit the FAQ page to review common questions and answers.