Staff and Administration

From campus traditions to leadership training, student services to health and wellness programming, student government positions to endless volunteer opportunities, we’ve got student life covered.


Dr. Lowell K. Davis

Vice President for Student Affairs

headshot of Dr. Lowell K. Davis

Dr. Andrew Miller

Senior Associate Vice President & Dean of Students

headshot of Dr. Andrew Miller

Dr. David Eberhardt

Assistant Vice President for Administration

headshot of Dr. David Eberhardt

Dr. Michelle Kelly

Assistant Vice President for Health and Wellbeing

headshot of Dr. Michelle Kelly

VPSA Office Staff

Jonikka Davis

Associate Director for Marketing and Communications

headshot of Jonikka Davis

Erica Edwards

Executive Assistant

Picture of Erica Edwards

Ryan Gilmore

Special Projects Coordinator

headshot of Ryan Gilmore

Doris Sanders

Division Business Administrator

headshot of Doris Sanders

Jacobi Isham

Web Software Specialist

headshot of Jacobi Isham