Step 1: Recognize

Mavericks recognize potential situations and interactions that can negatively impact our community.

What is a harmful situation?

Anything that constitutes a negative physical, mental, social, or emotional response, affecting a community, a group of individuals, or a single individual.

What can harm look like?

Potential harm can appear in many ways:

  • Concerning behaviors
  • Academic integrity
  • High-risk drinking
  • Relationship Violence
  • Sexual Violence
  • Mental health concerns
  • Suicide prevention
  • Hazing
  • Bullying
  • Harassment*
  • Hate Speech*
  • Bias Incidents

*These behaviors may be expressions of racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, sexism, and other forms of systemic oppression.

What constitutes an emergency?

Anything requiring immediate or urgent response.

Examples of Recognizing:


My friend has been missing class lately and posted “I wish I wouldn’t wake up” as a status, I wonder if something is wrong?


She really is not that interested, but she starts to leave with him anyway. What should I do?


He told her to stop and she continued anyway. How can I help?


My friend told me that she really wasn’t ready but he continued anyway. I think she was sexually assaulted what can I do?


He looks like he had too much to drink, should I get him some water?


This party looks like it’s getting out of control, I wonder if anybody else feels this way?