Welcome Mavericks!

New Maverick Orientation is key to every new student's successful transition to UTA. Students will meet with an Academic Advisor and enroll in their first semester of courses at UTA. Your journey is about to begin!

Orientation Reservation

Review our Orientation options using the tabs at the top of this page. Once you know which session option and date is the best for you, make your Orientation reservation.

Student Experience

Information Systems -

Meet Harsh

UTA's College of Business transformed me by switching my mentality from “just a student getting a degree” to “I am ready for my...


Nursing Major -

Meet Sharon

The advising staff told me the ins and outs of my major, and I felt prepared to take my courses.

Choose Your Orientation Date

Graduate Student -

Lance Powers

When I decided to go back to graduate school, I wanted to be the best student I can be and learn as much as I can from the program.

Learn About our Academic Programs

Social Work Major -

Meet Erika

The staff here made me feel like this was THE place to be.


Public Administration and Public Policy Major -

Meet Jason

My family first provided the inspiration to continue my education beyond an undergraduate degree.

Explore Majors

Computer Science Major -

Meet UT

I knew that this place was where I could make my career and a place that I could call my home away from home.

International Orientation

Criminal Justice and Spanish Translation Major -

Meet Stephy

I came to orientation kind of lost, but the Orientation Leaders made me feel like I belonged at UTA.

Freshman Orientation

Sponsorships & Support

Make a positive, lasting impression on our new students and their families.