
Undergraduate Advising

Have questions about majoring in sociology or anthropology? Want to know details about upcoming courses? Need some help deciding on course scheduling? Contact the undergraduate advisor to get answers to questions about majoring in sociology or anthropology. The advisor can also give you information about the minors in sociology, anthropology and popular culture.

Graduate Advising

Want to learn more about MA program in sociology? Need to know how long it will take to earn your MA? Have questions about careers you can pursue with the MA in Sociology? Contact the graduate advisor for answers to these and other questions.


Andrea Jenkins

Academic Advisor II

MA University of Texas at Arlington

Andrea (Andy) Jenkins' headshot


Office: 434 University Hall (UH)

Dr. Kelly Bergstrand

Director of Graduate Studies

Associate Professor, Sociology

PhD University of Arizona

Kelly Bergstrand


Office: 425 University Hall (UH)

Research Specialization: Social movements; environmental sociology; and social psychology

Undergraduate Walk-In Hours:
Monday Tuesday 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 – 10:00 AM

Undergraduate Appointment Hours:
Monday Tuesday 8:00 – 2:00 PM
Wednesday Thursday Friday 10:00 – 4:00 PM