Siteimprove Information


UTA uses Siteimprove to identify accessibility issues with our webpages. All employees access Siteimprove by browsing in a Google Chrome browser to and clicking on the Siteimprove icon.

Once you log into Siteimprove, if you do not see the reports for your website(s), simply contact us at or 817-272-5961 to request access.

Siteimprove provides an Accessibility Score for each site. Additionally, we can create custom groups so that departments can separate their scores from the entire domain.

Accessibility Scores

The UTA Siteimprove Dashboard will show the Accessibility score tile and the Points To Target tile.  If the target has not already been met, click on the “Reach Target” button to see a list of issues that need to be remediated. Note, if this report is empty, but you have not yet reached the target, visit the "Potential Issues" button in the left navigation pane.

Improving Scores

If you wish to gain the most accessibility points, start here:

  1. Prioritize your A and AA errors based on your expertise and time.
  2. Check the total amount of points that can be gained per issue.
  3. Focus on resolving full pages and not just single issues.

Contact for Siteimprove assistance or questions!

Siteimprove Training

Register for one of the monthly Siteimprove Training classes from OIT or email to schedule your own training session.

Find a Siteimprove Training class