Technology Approval Process Request Information

Technology Approval Process Request

UTA employees can visitTAPREQ Information and Resources,, for a list of definitions, exclusions, exemptions, and Frequently Asked Questions.

How to Submit the form

A reference guide on how to complete the submission form is available in the Technology Acquisition Helper. This tool includes a list of questions so you can collect the information prior to starting the request form. Completion of the request form must be accomplished in one session. 

The purposes of the ServiceNow TAPREQ reviews are to:

  • Ensure accessibility
  • Ensure alignment with technology infrastructure
  • Ensure fiscal value
  • Ensure alignment with the UTA Strategic Plan

Enter a ServiceNow Request

  1. Open a browser
  2. Browse to
  3. Answer all of the questions
  4. Attach related documents (quotes, agreements, invoices)
  5. Submit the request

If you need any assistance creating or submitting the TAPREQ, please contact the OIT Help Desk at 817-272-2208.

Please note that if the resource is a cloud resource and/or involved confidential or controlled information, you may also be required to submit the ISO Risk Assessment form. Contact for additional information.

The ServiceNow TAPREQ is required for technology (electronic and information resources) used by or at the direction of UTA. Technology includes websites not hosted by UTA, software, software as a service, online resources, other resources accessed by a computer or mobile device, and any related vendor services.

When the ServiceNow TAPREQ is created, the system assigns tasks to EIR Accessibility team and the Innovative Architecture team.

When both groups provide approval, the request is approved and the requester will receive an email with details. Details may indicate whether or not a Purchase Order is required for use of this particular EIR. Once you receive the approval email, you may enter your requisition into UTShare, use your ProCard (if allowed) or begin using the requested EIR.

Please note, TAPREQ approval does not replace the Business Affairs Exception Tracker (BAET) requirement. You must also follow all ProCard policies and procedures.

If you use your ProCard for a technology purchase, the TAPREQ is required prior to your Business Affairs Exception Tracker (BAET) request. Include a copy of the ServiceNow TAPREQ approval email with your BAET so that Accounting Services will be able to process your request. If the Technology Acquisition Helper indicates that the electronic resource does not require a TAPREQ, then no submission is required. For questions related to the BAET process, including determining if a BAET is required, contact the Payment Card Analyst for assistance.

If you will use a requisition for a technology purchase, the TAPREQ should be completed prior to creating the requisition in UTShare. Include a copy of the ServiceNow approval email with your requisition so that Procurement will be able to process your request.

All vendor documents that require a signature must be forwarded to Procurement for review and signature. Only employees officially delegated authority to sign documents on behalf of UTA are allowed to sign vendor agreements. The list of authorized personnel can be found on the Delegation of Authority Chart. Contact Joe White,, for additional information.

Per UTA’s Procedure, Reimbursements and Payments Other Than for Travel and Purchase Orders – BF-PGS-PR8, software is not one of the items listed that is allowed to be paid via voucher. For questions concerning this procedure or this exclusion, please contact the Accounting Services.

EIR is an acronym for electronic and information resources defined by the Department of Information Resources to include information technology and any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of equipment used to create, convert, duplicate, store, or deliver data or information, including vendors that provide related services.

EIR has a graphic user interface, in other words, it requires a computer, tablet, smart phone or other electronic device to access the resource.

Texas Administrative Code 213 requires Texas institutions of higher education to review resources and either document that they are accessible or maintain an approved exception form noting the accessibility concerns. The TAPREQ process is the way UTA meets compliance with TAC 213. The requirements from TAC 213 are also repeated in UT System Rule 150.

Some items that are excluded from the TAPREQ include:

  • items listed on the Technology Acquisition Helper as not requiring a TAPREQ.
  • Websites hosted by UTA.
  • Items used for entertainment purposes only and are not required as part of one’s job or academic work
  • Command line only products (no graphic user interface)
  • EIR integrated at the time of construction into a building
  • Cellphones purchased under a DIR contract per UTA’s Cell Phone Procedure
  • Software drivers that are incidental to the use of other software
  • Stock images, fonts, vectors, sounds or graphics
  • Computers and printers from the approved OIT list
  • EIR hardware located in maintenance or monitoring spaces, and where status indicators and operable parts are located in spaces that are frequented only by service personnel for maintenance, repair, or occasional monitoring of equipment, such status indicators and operable parts shall not be required to conform and are considered out of scope.

Visit the TAPREQ Information and Resources page in the Technology Acquisition Helper for a complete list of excluded items from UTA's TAPREQ process. 

Although we will occasionally encounter a vendor that claims they are exempt from the accessibility laws of the State of Texas, their claim is false. Only the Department of Information Resources can exempt EIR from the accessibility requirements. As of August 2021, the only exemption issued by DIR is for GIS Software.

Pre-Approved Software

Please use the Technology Acquisition Helper to determine if a resource requires a TAPREQ and/or the ISO Risk Assessment submission. Additionally, if the license is purchased with an IDT [inter-departmental transfer] through OIT, no BAET is required because the ProCard is not being used. However, if the department decides to purchase their own license, the TAPREQ is required along with the BAET.

Visit the Technology Acquisition Helper