Veterans Upward Bound Video

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Welcome to VUB

What is Veterans Upward Bound?

UT Arlington Veterans Upward Bound is a free program for qualified veterans, designed to motivate and assist veterans in the development of academic and other requisite skills necessary for acceptance and success in a program of postsecondary education. The program provides assessment and enhancement of basic skills through counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in the core subject areas of mathematics through pre-calculus, laboratory science, foreign language, composition and literature. The primary goal of the program is to increase the rate at which participants enroll in and complete postsecondary education programs.

How Does Veterans Upward Bound Work?

UT Arlington Veterans Upward Bound is totally FREE. All books and classroom materials are provided. In our Learning Center, you receive individualized tutoring from an instructor who has identified your strengths and needs. You will advance at your own pace, refresh those forgotten skills, and propel towards academic success in higher education. Our counselor answers questions you have about the college enrollment process and helps you make vital contacts with people in the school you plan to attend. Other services include:

  • Basic skills development to help veterans successfully complete a high school equivalency program and gain admission to college education programs.
  • Short-term remedial or refresher classes for high school graduates that have put off pursuing a college education.
  • Assistance with applications to the college or university of choice.
  • Assistance with applying for financial aid. Academic advice and assistance.
  • Career Counseling. Personalized Counseling.
  • Assistance in getting veterans services from other available resources.
  • Exposure to cultural events, academic programs, and other educational activities.

Who Can Join Veterans Upward Bound?

In order to be eligible for UT Arlington Veterans Upward Bound, participants must meet the following criterion:

  • Reside in Tarrant or Dallas County;
  • Served in active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for more than 180 days and received other than a dishonorable discharge;
  • Be either low-income (based on family income and number of dependents) or potential first generation college students (neither parent earned a 4-year degree);
  • All participants must demonstrate academic potential as well as have academic need.
  • Are a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces called to active duty for a period of more than 30 days, or-----
  • Are a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of a contingency operation on or after September 11, 2001.

Veterans Community Events

Online or in Person - North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group

When Friday, Sep 13, 2024
Fri, September 13, 9:30am – 11:30am

Christ United Methodist Church, 3101 Coit Road, Plano, TX 75075 (map)

Meeting in person or JOIN US ONLINE on Facebook or Zoom, GO TO

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 7484 1759
Passcode: 318283

You can also watch on the Career DFW Facebook page

NOTE: We can only have 100 people on Zoom, if that is full, watch on Facebook.

Professionals from all industries have met in the North Dallas / Plano area since 2000. This group helps professionals who are unemployed or under-employed with all areas of their job search.
The North Dallas Group meets each Friday from 9:30am to 11:30am at Christ United Methodist Church, 3101 Coit Road, (on the southwest corner of Coit and Parker) Plano, TX 75075. North building (closest to Parker) room N255.

For more information send an email to

Click on more information below to get the attachment with map and agenda.



Career Care Networking Group at St. Andrew UMC

When Monday, Sep 16, 2024
Description Mon, September 16, 2pm – 4pm

(Newcomers: “Quick Start Search Kit” follows speaker for 30 min.) (map)

Career Care is currently meeting ONLINE each week. 
for latest agenda and speakers, contact 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 942 9768 0546    Passcode: 313176

Career Care is a free, weekly networking/coaching group helping professionals who are out of work or“mis-employed” seeking a career change; open to the community at no cost.Established in 2001, Career Care is one of the longest serving groups in DFW and has helped thousands in their career transitions. We are faith-based,sponsored by St. Andrew UMC, Plano.

Career Care provides comprehensive support:

·        Job postings

·        Networking to build job leads/contacts, including LinkedIn and Google groups

·        Speakers teaching search skills (resumé, interviewing, networking, etc.)

·        Free, volunteer coaches to assist one-on-one with resumés, etc.

·        Career assessment free testing

 For more information contact Bill Brewer



In Person or Online - Fort Worth Career Search Network

When Monday, Sep 16, 2024

Mon, September 16, 9:00am – 11:30am

North Fort Worth Baptist Church at 5801 North I-35W, Fort Worth, TX 76131 (map)

Masks are optional.  We encourage you to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine, but no documentation to the effect is required.  Enter through the covered entrance at the south end of the church building.  Doors may be locked; if so, press call button on wall right of doors to gain access.

Join Zoom Meeting

  1. Meeting size limited to the first 100 who sign in, on a first come, first served basis.
  2. Meeting participants must register.  Please see meeting ID and password below.  This will provide us with contact information for potential distribution of session materials.
  3. Participants can sign in as early as 8:45am.  Meeting will start at 9:00am.

Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 822 5611 8532    Passcode: 751292 

  The Fort Worth Career Search Network provides support to fellow professional job seekers in the Fort Worth side of the Metroplex. We exchange job leads, network, offer useful strategies for a job search, share information on job search workshops, and provide support and encouragement to each other. You are not alone. We are here to help you! Feel free to recommend us to others!
To join this group, one must attend our Monday morning meeting. It starts at 9:00 a.m. We suggest you arrive early to register and to start networking with our members! The Fort Worth Career Search Network (FWCSN) group meets EVERY Monday at North Fort Worth Baptist Church at 5801 North I-35W, Fort Worth, TX 76131 (located in the Northwest corner of I-35W and North Loop 820).



Path Forward: Life Solutions for Today's Job Seeker

When Monday, Sep 23, 2024
Description Mon, September 23, 6:30pm – 8:30pm

First Baptist Church, MacDonald Activity Center, 425 S 9th St , Garland, TX 75040 (map)

Path Forward: Life Solutions for Today's Job Seeker is a ministry of our church that will provide help, hope, and healing for the job seekers in our community. The purpose of this ministry is to provide individuals with: Help - by practical and useful training and tools to educate and assist Hope - by scriptural encouragement and biblical mentoring Healing - to allow persons to move on from the previous experiences that may hold them back Path Forward meetings will be held on Monday nights in the MAC, from 6:30-8:30pm. The planned program will span 12 weeks, with four seminar cycles offered annually - spanning the entire year, since job searches aren't limited to a certain time of the year. There is no charge for this ministry. Sessions will include tools & tips for résumé writing, job interview techniques, networking, and other related topics. Biblical perspectives on jobs, career, and related personal issues will be offered as well. This ministry is for all people, regardless of their membership or relationship with First Baptist Church. The ministry is also attempting to meet the needs of both white collar and blue collar workers. A skilled ministry team has been assembled to plan, organize, and implement the ministry, led by Vickie Lee (972-686-8169). MacDonald Activity Center (MAC) building First Baptist Church-Garland 425 S 9th St Garland, TX 75040 (972) 276-5273


Career-In-Motion @ Watermark Community Church

When Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024
Description Tue, September 24, 9:00am – 11:30am

Watermark Community Church, 7540 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75241 (map)

Careers In Motion "helping and encouraging people through periods of job drought"

Our Vision - Many people in our body have gone through big careers changes, some planned and some unexpected. Careers-in-Motion is dedicated to helping members of our body during these often stressful times of change. We want to help you through that transition period by praying with you, providing counsel during your job search and directing you to other helpful resources.

Weekly Meeting - In order to connect with us, please come to our Careers in Motion meetings that occur each Tuesday at 9am on the 3rd Floor of the Watermark tower.

Visit us at

I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ
I believe eternal salvation is available only through Jesus Christ
I accepted the Bible as the authoritative Word of God
I have received Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord
If asked by someone during the CIM meeting, I can give a clear presentation of the Gospel message





Real Estate Networking Group


When Friday, Sep 13, 2024

Fri, September 13, 7:30am – 9:00am

Spectrum Center 5080 Spectrum Dr., Suite 122 West Addison, Texas 75001, (map)

Welcome to the RENG (Real Estate Networking Group)

Contact the group leaders for information on how to join the group online


Weekly Meeting – Friday at 7:30 AM at Spectrum Center, 5080 Spectrum Dr., Suite 122West, Addison, Texas 75001. Spectrum Center is a 12-story twin tower silver glass office building locate on the Northwest corner of the North Dallas Toll Way and Beltline Rd. in Addison.

History - RENG started in 2002 when three real estate asset managers began to meet weekly to help each other find jobs and network even though they were often competitors. RENG is an outreach ministry of Dallas Real Estate Ministries (  ).  Typically, there are approximately 50 active job seekers and over 700 RENG Alumni members. Weekly participants range from 10to 15 active members. During the last few years, 50 – 60 of our active job seekers find meaningful employment each year.   


Participation - RENG attendees are encouraged to take an active role in weekly meetings by helping others as they help you. Statistically, most new jobs are found through networking. In addition to attending weekly meetings, you areen couraged to participate in the RENG Yahoo Group by posting job leads and calling or meeting with fellow active job seekers. Each week you are asked to bring $1.00 to the RENG meeting which is contributed to a “pot” that is won through a drawing. We supply index cards and ask that you provide your name,phone number and type of work being sought for our drawing.


Roster - Each week the RENG roster,which may be downloaded, is updated and posted under the “File” section of the site. The roster contains names and contact information for active seekers, alumni and recruiters (who generally receive the weekly update). It is your responsibility to review the roster and verify that the information is accurate. To update or amend your information, please email changes to


If you are currently employed and do not want your employer to learn of your search, you may not wish to be included on the roster.  - Once you have attended a weekly RENG meeting, you may join the RENG email distribution system.  It is used to distribute job leads, links to other websites, regular (daily) articles to assist in your search. We encourage our active and alumni members to post information and leads.  You can subscribe by Googling .  Your application for membership requires the approval of the moderator. 


Summary- Finding a job is a full-time job and often harder than you expected. RENG consists of volunteers forming an army to assist in networking for job seekers. Success comes from active participation. Jobs are found through diligence and perseverance.


RENG Leaders contact information is listed below and on the RENG Roster. RENG Leaders are available for consultation and encouragement. Do not be reluctant to reach out to them.


Dene Allred 214-575-8848, Mark Edgren 214-926-0698, Dan Newell 214-649-1029, Rick Waggoner 214-891-3276



Breakfast Dallas

When Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024

Tue, September 24, 7:30am – 9:00am

City place, third floor, Plaza Room, Haskell Avenue and North Central Expressway (map)

Breakfast Dallas is one of Dallas' most enduring business networking groups. We meet twice monthly to share business ideas and concerns, hear interesting and informative speakers and promote their business. Long standing members find the group serves as a "virtual" board of directors.Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month Time: 7:30am Place: City Place, Skylight Room (3rd floor)- Located at the corner of Haskel and Central Expressway Meeting Agenda:1. Introductions 2. Brainstorm Session 3. Business Watch 4. Speaker 5. Introductions Membership is free. There is no charge for members or guests. No reservations are required. Attendees pay for their own breakfasts from the cafeteria on the 3rd floor.Contact Alice Dykeman 214-528-2991 or go to




 FENG (Financial Executives Networking Group)

When Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024
Description Tue, September 24, 6pm – 8pm

see website for info - (map)

A national organization for senior level financial executives. The purpose of our chapter meetings is to offer an invaluable opportunity for you to create a sharp focus of your background with the other members and to network for opportunities.We get together once a month. We occasionally have guest speakers. The bulk of the meetings are to network, meet new members, share leads and go over updates on leads. It is a no-pressure casual meeting where members can join in fellowship to discuss things. The normal schedule for the monthly meetings of the DFW Chapter of the FEI/FENG is the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 pm unless otherwise noted. If our organization fits your background, you are most welcome to attend. Call Bob Walker, Dallas Chapter Chair of the FEI/FENG, with any questions at 214-532-1152. Find out more at