Faculty in Electrical Engineering

Kambiz Alavi, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Kambiz Alavi,

Kambiz Alavi Faculty Profile
alavi@uta.edu | 817-272-5633
Nanotechnology and MEMS , Optical Device and Systems

Chris Boyer, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Chris Boyer,
Associate Professor of Practice

Chris Boyer Faculty Profile
chris.boyer@uta.edu | 817-272-4110
Resource and Energy Engineering

Jonathan Bredow, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Jonathan Bredow,

Jonathan Bredow Faculty Profile
jbredow@uta.edu | 817-272-3472
Electromagnetic Fields and Applications, Telecommunication & Information Systems

Zeynep Celik, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Zeynep Çelik, IEEE Fellow,

Zeynep Çelik Faculty Profile
zcelik@uta.edu | 817-272-1309
Nanoengineering, Noise in Nano-scale Devices, Nano-sensors, Energy Harvesters

Catrina Coleman, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Catrina Coleman,
Professor of Research

Faculty Profile catrina.coleman@uta.edu
Photonics, III-V semiconductor photonic devices and photonic integration

James Coleman, Ph.D., NAE, Electrical Engineering

Dr. James Coleman, Member, National Academy of Engineering,
Professor of Research

Photonics, optoelectronic devices and integration, metal organic chemical vapor deposition

Ali Davoudi, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ali Davoudi, IEEE Fellow,

Ali Davoudi Faculty Profile
davoudi@uta.edu | 817-272-1834
Power Electronics and Machine Drives, Renewable Energy Systems, Vehicular Systems, Micro-grids

Venkat Devarajan, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Venkat Devarajan,

Venkat Devarajan Faculty Profile
venkat@uta.edu | 817-272-3934
Digital Signal and Image Processing

Alexander Johnston, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Alexander Johnston,
Assistant Professor of Instruction

Alexander Johnston Faculty Profile
alexander.johnston@uta.edu | 817-272-3409

Sungyong Jung, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Sungyong Jung,

Sungyong Jung Faculty Profile
jung@uta.edu | 817-272-1338
Sensing Embedded Systems, Analog and mixed signal integrated circuit design, Radio frequency integrated circuit design, VLSI system design, chemical and bio sensing

Dr. Rasool Kenarangui

Dr. Rasool Kenarangui, P.E.,
Senior Lecturer and MS Faculty Advisor

Rasool Kenarangui Faculty Profile
kenarang@uta.edu | 817-272-3423
Power Systems And Industrial Power Electronics

George Kondraske, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. George V. Kondraske
Research Professor

George V. Kondraske Faculty Profile
kondraske@uta.edu | 817-272-3473
Digital And Microprocessor/controller Systems Systems, Controls And Automated Manufacturing

Seunghyun (Jacob) Lee, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Seunghyun (Jacob) Lee,
Assistant Professor

seunghyun.lee@uta.edu | 817-272-3406
Optoelectronics, Photonics, Semiconductors, Photodetectors, Avalanche Photodiodes, Silicon Photonics, Compound Semiconductors, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Narrow Bandgap Materials

Wei-Jen Lee, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Wei-Jen Lee, IEEE Fellow,
Professor, Department Chair

Wei-Jen Lee Faculty Profile
wlee@uta.edu | 817-272-5046
Power Systems and Industrial Power Electronics, Digital and Microprocessor Control Systems, Utility Deregulation, Electrical Safety

Frank Lewis, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Frank L. Lewis, P.E., IEEE Fellow, Fellow InstMC,

Frank L. Lewis Faculty Profile
lewis@uta.edu | 817-272-5972
Feedback control and automation, Cooperative decisions and game theory, Robotics, Nonlinear and adaptive control

Qilian Liang, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Qilian Liang, IEEE Fellow,

Qilian Liang Faculty Profile
liang@uta.edu | 817-272-1339
Telecommunication & Information Systems, Systems, Controls and Automated Manufacturing , Digital Signal And Image Processing

Robert Magnusson, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Robert Magnusson, IEEE Fellow,
Texas Instruments Distinguished University Chair in Nanoelectronics , Professor of Electrical Engineering

Robert Magnusson Faculty Profile
magnusson@uta.edu | 817-272-2552
Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronics, Nanoplasmonics, Nanolasers, Optical Bio- and Chemical Sensors

Ramtin Madani, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ramtin Madani,
Associate Professor

Ramtin Madani Faculty Profile
ramtin.madani@uta.edu | 817-272-3483
Power Systems, Smart Grids, Optimal Control, Nonlinear Optimization

Michael Manry, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Michael T. Manry,

Michael Manry Faculty Profile
manry@uta.edu | 817-272-3483
Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Nets, Statistical Pattern Recognition

Chenyun Pan, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Chenyun Pan,
Assistant Professor

Chenyun Pan Faculty Profile
chenyun.pan@uta.edu | 817-272-3934
Beyond-CMOS Device and Interconnect Exploration, Reconfigurable Computing, Neuromorphic and In-Memory Computing for Deep Learning Applications, VLSI System Design, Hardware Security

Dr. Howard Russell

Dr. Howard Russell,
Associate Professor of Instruction

High Frequency Microelectronics Devices & Circuits , VLSI and Semiconductors

Ioannis Schizas, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Ioannis D. Schizas,

Ioannis D. Schizas Faculty Profile
schizas@uta.edu | 817-272-3467
Machine Learning, Statistical Signal Processing, Data Analytics, Optimization

Yuze "Alice" Sun, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Yuze (Alice) Sun,
Professor & Associate Chair

Yuze (Alice) Sun Faculty Profile
sun@uta.edu | 817-272-1317
Photonics, Optofluidics, Microfluidics, Optical Biosensing and Chemical Sensing, Lab-on-Chip Systems, Nanomaterials, and Global Health and Environmental Sustainability

Saibun Tjuatja, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Saibun Tjuatja,
Associate Professor & Undergraduate Faculty Advisor

Saibun Tjuatja Faculty Profile
tjuatja@uta.edu | 817-272-3974
Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing, Tomographic Radar Imaging, Through-clutter Target Sensing and Imaging

Dr. Gregory Turner

Dr. Gregory Turner,
Associate Professor of Practice

Gregory Turner Faculty Profile
gkturner@uta.edu | 817-272-3934
Embedded Control Systems for Renewable Energy & Microgrid Applications

Dr. H. Eric Tseng, Electrical Engineering

Dr. H. Eric Tseng,
Distinguished University Professor

hongtei.tseng@uta.edu | 817 272 1909
Automotive Control, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Interactive Dynamics Control, Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Decision Making

Michael Vasilyev, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Michael Vasilyev,

Michael Vasilyev Faculty Profile
vasilyev@uta.edu | 817-272-1224
Nonlinear and quantum optics, optical communication systems and devices, nanophotonics.

Dr. Kendra Wallis

DR. KENDRA L WALLIS, Assistant Professor of Instruction

Dr. Wallis' Faculty Profile

Yan Wan, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Yan Wan,
Distinguished University Professor

Yan Wan Faculty Profile
yan.wan@uta.edu | 817-272-6838
Decentralized Control; Large-scale Dynamical Networks; Stochastic Networks; Uncertainty Quantification; Learning Control and Graphical Games; Cyber-Physical Systems; Air Traffic Management; UAV Traffic Management; Sensor/Robot/UAV Networking; Autonomous Driving

David Wetz, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. David A. Wetz,

David A. Wetz Faculty Profile
wetz@uta.edu | 817-272-1058
Pulsed Power, High Voltage Engineering, Power Electronics, Power Systems

Yijing Xie, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Yijing Xie,
Assistant Professor

Yijing Xie Faculty Profile
yijing.xie@uta.edu | 817-272-3478
Multi-agent systems, Reinforcement learning, Distributed optimization

Dr. Yichen Zhang, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Yichen Zhang, Assistant Professor

Yichen Zhang Faculty Profile
yichen.zhang@uta.edu | NH542
Power systems, microgrid control, distributed energy resources integration

Liwei Zhou, Electrical Engineering

Dr. Liwei Zhou, Assistant Professor

Liwei Zhou Faculty Profile
liwei.zhou@uta.edu | 817-272-3764
Power electronics, advanced control technologies for power converters, grid-connected converters, renewable energy and EV charging systems optimal design

Weidong Zhou, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering

Dr. Weidong Zhou, SPIE Fellow, OSA Fellow, Distinguished University Professor

Weidon Zhou Faculty Profile
wzhou@uta.edu | 817-272-1227
Optoelectronic Materials and Devices; Photonic Crystal Semiconductor Lasers, Integrated Nanophotonics.


Dr. Wei-Jen Lee
Professor and Chair

Dr. Jonathan Bredow 
Professor & Associate Chair 

Dr. Yuze (Alice) Sun
Professor & Associate Chair

Undergraduate Applicants

Graduate Applicants