Students in Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering scholarships

The following scholarships are offered only to Electrical Engineering students at The University of Texas at Arlington.  



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The Alfred R. and Janet H. Potvin Outstanding Electrical Engineering Student Scholarship Award was established in March 2007 by a generous gift from Dr. Alfred and Janet Potvin. Dr. Alfred Potvin began his academic career at UT Arlington in 1966. He was the first Director of the Biomedical Engineering Program from 1974 to 1984. In 2006, he was inducted into the College of Engineering's Hall of Achievement. Candidate selection: Preference is given to full-time electrical engineering students in junior or senior year, who are residents of the State of Texas and who graduated from a high school in the State of Texas.

The Dr. Jack Fitzer Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Endowed by Dr. Tony & Mrs. JoAnn Wong

The Dr. Jack Fitzer Memorial Scholarship in Engineering Endowed by Dr. Tony & Mrs. JoAnn Wong shall be a permanent endowment and shall be used for the benefit of the College of Engineering. Funds distributed from the endowment shall be used to support outstanding students who meet the following criteria: 1. Full-time undergraduate or graduate students admitted to the College of Engineering. 2. Applicants must be international or out-of-state students, not receiving in-state tuition rates. 3. Preference will be given to students who have completed their preparatory or undergraduate education in East or Southeast Asia. 4. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of no less than 3.6. 5. Applicants must have financial needs as described in a statement about work history and the...

The John M Goodwin Memorial Scholarship Award

The John M. Goodwin Memorial Scholarship was established following the death of Professor John M. Goodwin in 1971. Professor Goodwin was a Colonel in the Army Reserves and was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. He served UT Arlington from 1937-1971. This scholarship was established from memorial gifts, primarily from the Goodwin family. The awardee for this scholarship is selected based on service to the Department and the College of Engineering. Membership in the ROTC is also preferable.

The Bernard and Ann Svihel Memorial Scholarships

This scholarship is for electrical engineering students who are currently enrolled or have been accepted for enrollment in the upcoming semester, who have a history of academic achievement, and who have a need for financial assistance.

The Floyd Cash Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is for electrical engineering students who are currently enrolled or have been accepted for enrollment in the upcoming semester, who have a history of academic achievement, and who have a demonstrated need for financial assistance.

The Professor Paul M. Cunningham Endowed Scholarship

Eligibility qualifications for this scholarship include Undergraduate EE students currently enrolled or accepted for enrollment in the coming semester, and who work and attend evening classes. Recipient of this scholarship may not receive financial aid or other compensation from UT Arlington, government funding, or employer reimbursement for education expenses.

The Ron L. Cates Endowed Scholarship

Ron Cates was the first of his family off the farm in Ellis County and the first to graduate from college. Attending Arlington High School and UTA, he received a BSEE degree in Electrical Engineering in 1975 and was grateful for the education provided to him by the University of Texas system. He later received his MBA and after a brilliant career, with this scholarship, passes the torch back to UTA to educate the next generation of students to the benefit of themselves, their families, and society as a whole. The Scholarship provides financial assistance to students who intend to major in Electrical Engineering and who demonstrate a potential for success in this major.

The Samuel Clayton Quinn Scholarship

This scholarship supports junior or senior undergraduate student(s) majoring in electrical engineering, with a preference for a student(s) who is/are: pursuing a nuclear engineering minor; a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) student chapter at UT Arlington; in good academic standing; and demonstrate a financial need.


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Jack Fitzer Endowed Scholarship Fund

To be eligible for this scholarship, a student must be currently enrolled or accepted for enrollment in the coming semester, have a history of academic achievement, and be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.

Dr. K. R. Rao Electrical Engineering Graduate Fellowship

Each successful applicant will receive a cash award and an award certificate. To qualify, students must be a graduate student in EE, have a cumulative GPA at UTA greater than or equal to 3.5, and must have F-1 Visa Status.

Dr. Nikolai Stelmakh Outstanding Student Research Award In Electrical Engineering

N. M. Stelmakh Outstanding Student Research Award is given annually to an Electrical Engineering student in recognition of excellence in research demonstrated at the University of Texas at Arlington. This Award was endowed in 2011 to honor Dr. N. M. Stelmakh, a faculty member of the UTA’s EE Department from 2003 to 2010, who had made distinguished contributions in the field of short-pulsed semiconductor lasers and had been known for his inspirational teaching and mentoring style.

Research In Motion (Rim) Scholarship Endowment

The Research In Motion Scholarship Endowment was established in 2010 to be used to provide scholarships to Electrical Engineering graduate students pursuing studies in the area of Wireless Communications such as Radio Frequency Circuit Design, Real Time Embedded Control Systems, Network Architecture, Electromagnetic and Antenna research, based on academic achievement.

The Barbara and Vasant Prabhu Scholarship Endowed by his Graduate Students

The Barbara and Vasant Prabhu Scholarship Endowed by his Graduate Students is a permanent endowment and shall be used for the benefit of undergraduate or graduate international Electrical Engineering students. This scholarship will be used to support top-performing students, and preference will be given to students whose thesis focus is on communications and signal processing. Preference shall also be given to students who are not eligible for other scholarships.

Dr. Mo-Shing Chen Scholarship In Power Systems

This scholarship shall be used to provide scholarships to graduate Electrical Engineering students who have a demonstrated interest in the power systems area.


Dr. Wei-Jen Lee
Professor and Chair

Dr. Jonathan Bredow 
Professor & Associate Chair 

Dr. Yuze (Alice) Sun
Professor & Associate Chair

Undergraduate Applicants

Graduate Applicants