Box 19617, Arlington, TX 76019
Phone: 817-272-3291
Dean's List
Each semester students who have completed 12 or more hours and earned a GPA of 3.75 or higher will be recognized by inclusion on the Dean’s List of high achieving students.
Dean's List Certificate
If you're on the Dean's List and would like a certificate for your accomplishment, you can retrieve it below. Simply type in your name, then print or save it. If the "name" section appears blank, hover your cursor or click the area to access the text box. You can also try a different browser if you are having trouble. Please contact Dr. Joshua Knight if you need the password.
Crisis Hotline
If you are experiencing a crisis, UT Arlington students may call the Mavs Talk 24 Hour Crisis Line at (817) 272-8255 to talk with a trained counselor about your situation.
Counseling and Psychological Services is located in Room 303 Ransom Hall.