
The Honors College seeks students with broad interests, varied talents, diverse backgrounds, and—most importantly—a deep passion for learning. To graduate with an Honors degree, you must complete the degree requirements for your major, be a member of the Honors College in good standing, maintain a cumulative 3.200 GPA, and complete a Capstone Project.

Andres Plascencia

Student Profiles

Meet Andres

"I chose UT Arlington because it is affordable while still providing a good education."


Cheryl Gralish

Student Development Specialist II

First & Second Year Advisor

Interdisciplinary Studies Advisor

Cheryl Gralish

Additional Info: Cheryl advises all students who are new to the Honors College in their first semester to discuss Honors requirements and benefits during their initial advising session. She also meets with students during their second year in Honors to discuss progress and how the program is going for each students. Cheryl is also the academic advisor for students in the Interdisciplinary Studies program.

Brandon Hoogeveen, M.Ed.

Student Development Specialist II

First & Second Year Advisor

Engineering & Science

Brandon Hoogeveen

Additional Info: Brandon advises all first and second year Honors Engineering and Science students and develops programming for residents in the Honors RLC in Vandergriff Hall. He currently serves as a staff advisor for Beta Theta Pi Fraternity.