Forms and Documents


Non-disclosure agreements are an important way to protect research and business information from being made public inappropriately, such as to protect your unpublished research from being scooped and to protect intellectual property rights. 

If the primary purpose of the information exchange is regarding a technology (and related research) that you have disclosed, complete a NDA Request Form and submit as indicated.

If the information being shared is to establish a research collaboration or program, contact Office of Grants & Contracts at to set up the confidentiality agreement.

Download Mutual NDA Agreement



A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a contract that governs the transfer of tangible research materials between two organizations, when the recipient intends to use it for his or her own research purposes. The MTA defines the rights of the provider and the recipient with respect to the materials and any derivatives. Biological materials, such as reagents, cell lines, plasmids, and vectors, are the most frequently transferred materials, but MTAs may also be used for other types of materials, such as chemical compounds and even some types of software. 

UTA is a signatory to the Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement (UBMTA), a form approved by the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

For outgoing MTAs, please fill the MTA Request Form – Outgoing and submit it to

Outgoing MTA template for transfers to Non-Profit Organizations
For outgoing transfers to Non-Profit/academic institutions where there are concerns regarding intellectual property ownership of the outgoing University material.

Template forms,MTA UTA Non-Profit outgoing.doc.

Outgoing MTA template for transfers to For-Profit Organizations
For outgoing transfers to for-profit/commercial entities.

Template forms,MTA UTA For-Profit outgoing.doc


For Incoming MTAs, please contact us via e-mail:

Please note that I&C does not coordinate packaging or shipment of materials. The UTA Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for these logistical details and for obtaining any necessary approvals from committees such as the following:

  • Harvard’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and
  • Committee on the Use of Human Subjects Office/Institutional Review Board (IRB)

I&C will gladly help the UTA PI with facilitating such approvals as needed.