Alternative Loans

UTA encourages all students to apply for federal financial aid initially because federal loan programs normally offer low interest rates and more favorable repayment provisions. However, if you have reached the aggregate limit on federal student loans or need additional funds, there are alternative loan options available to students.

Alternative loans take longer to process than the Federal Direct programs due to the federally mandated right-to-cancel period and the manual nature of processes. Please see the guide below for the types of loans offered at UTA and the information on how to apply.

Application Process

  1. Select your preferred lender and complete the application process through the lender's website following their guidelines. Be sure to use the correct school code for UTA: 003656.
  2. When applying, be sure to enter the correct loan term. The loan term can be a single term or a combination of Summer, Fall and Spring terms. Use the academic calendar to determine your preferred loan term.
  3. Complete all disclosures and agreements with your lender. If you are unsure of any part of the process, reach out to the lender.
  4. If approved, you will be asked to complete an additional disclosure from the lender.
  5. We will then receive notification of your loan allowing us to certify the loan. Certification requests are normally completed within 5-7 days after we receive the application. We will not certify the loan unless you are enrolled in a qualifying number of credit hours.
  6. Once the certification process is complete, you will need to complete a final loan disclosure from the lender.
  7. Your lender will send the loan funding for us to disburse to your MyMav account approximately 14-20 days after certification is completed and you have signed all disclosures on their end.

Please note: After the loan has been certified by UTA, a student is allowed one adjustment request per term as allowed by the lender. Additional requests will be denied, and the student will need to reach out to the lender for adjustments.

The College Access Loan (CAL) is a low-interest, credit-based loan from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), that provides alternative educational loans to Texas students who are unable to meet the cost of attendance

Private student loans are available through a variety of lenders. These loans have variable interest rates and repayment terms, and typically require a credit check.

If you are in need of a private loan, you can contact your personal bank or other lending institutions. You can also utilize UTA’s FAST Choice service to assist you in finding a private loan lender that fits your needs.

Interest Rate Annual Limits Repayment Terms
Varies by Lender Students may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus any other financial aid. Varies by Lender

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Federal Loans vs. Private Loans

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