
Emeritus appointments and titles recognize retired faculty members who have served The University of Texas at Arlington with particular distinction and honor by establishing a privileged bond of indefinite duration between the faculty member and the institution. As such, an emeritus appointment shall never be granted automatically upon a faculty member's retirement but must be duly authorized by the UT System Board of Regents acting upon a recommendation by the president of the university as informed by the advice of the faculty.  See UTA's Emeritus Faculty (By Year).

Call for Nominations for Emeritus Appointment - Spring 2024
(Download Instructions and Cover Page)


Emeritus nominations are sought for retired faculty who meet the following criteria:

1.     Completed a minimum of ten years of service at UTA.

2.     Held a tenure-track rank (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor) OR a non-tenure track rank (distinguished senior lecturer, professor of practice, professor of research, professor of instruction, clinical professor, or the equivalent associate rank) during their period of service at UTA.

3.     Fully retired (or have initiated the retirement process to be fully retired from UTA prior to Sept. 1, 2024).

4.     Established a record of distinguished and honorable service to UTA commensurate with the highest levels of excellence for their faculty title.

Note: Posthumous nominations are not allowed.


Nomination Procedure

1.     The emeritus nomination process may be initiated by either the faculty member seeking the emeritus appointment (self-nomination) or by a faculty colleague holding a full-time active (non-emeritus) appointment that is above the entry-level for their faculty title (viz., assistant professors, lecturers, etc. are not eligible to nominate colleagues).

2.     The nominator must submit an electronic Emeritus Nomination Folder to the home department chair, program director, or school dean that contains the following items in separate electronic files:

a.     Cover Page

b.     A statement of 500-750 words that presents evidence of the candidate's distinction and quality of contribution and service to UTA.

c.     The nominee’s current and complete curriculum vitae.

3.     The department chair or school dean will send a link to the Emeritus Nomination Folder to a department/school committee comprised of the unit’s Advisory Committee on Tenure and Promotion (ACTP) and one to three additional full-time non-tenure track faculty members. The committee will review the nomination and prepare a short written recommendation that includes one of the following decisions: “recommended,” “recommended with reservations,” or “not recommended.” The ACTP recommendation will be added to the Emeritus Nomination Folder as a separate file named “ACTP Recommendation” within 14 days of receipt of the nomination folder.

4.     The department chair (or program director) of the candidate’s home department/program will prepare an independent written recommendation (“recommended,” “recommended with reservations,” or “not recommended”) and add his/her recommendation to the Emeritus Nomination Folder as a separate file named “Chair/Director Recommendation” within 14 days of receipt of the nomination materials.

5.     The dean of the candidate’s home school/college will prepare an independent written recommendation (“recommended,” “recommended with reservations,” or “not recommended”) and add his/her recommendation to the Emeritus Nomination Folder as a separate file named “Dean Recommendation.”

6.     No later than March 18, 2024, the designee of the dean will notify the Faculty Senate Chair, Andy Milson (milson@uta.edu), that the Emeritus Nomination Folder of the candidate is complete and ready for review.

7.     A Faculty Senate committee will prepare a recommendation (“recommended,” “recommended with reservations,” or “not recommended”) for each nominee and add the recommendation to the Emeritus Nomination Folder as a separate file named “Faculty Senate Recommendation”.

8.     The completed Emeritus Nomination Folders will be submitted to the President (directly and confidentially) by the Faculty Senate Chair.

9.     The President will make a final decision and will notify candidates who receive an emeritus appointment.



Please review UTA Handbook of Operating Procedures Policy AA-FT-PO3 for more information.


Questions? Contact Andy Milson, Faculty Senate Chair, milson@uta.edu.