MSN/PMC Current Student Information

Course Syllabus Supplemental Information

Course Policies

Technical Problems

Because technology is vulnerable to experiencing difficulties you should not wait until the last minute to submit an assignment or test. If you experience technical difficulties contact Canvas Support to help resolve the issue. They are open 24 hours a day. All technical issues must be resolved prior to an assignment or test due date and time. Assignments or tests which are submitted late secondary to technical issues may not be accepted and/or are subject to a point deduction up to and including a zero.

Canvas Support may be reached by calling 1-855-597-3403 or via the Canvas Chat link.

For assistance from the Office of Information Technology at UTA please submit a ticket for help by clicking on the OIT Help link.

Central Standard Time Zone

The University of Texas at Arlington is located in the Central Standard Time zone. As such all due dates and times are based on the Central Standard Time zone. All students regardless of their physical location are required to adhere to the Central Standard Time zone due dates and times. It is the student’s responsibility to know, in which time zone they are located, how it differs from the CST zone, and to ensure they follow the due dates and times accordingly. Late assignments or tests will not be accepted if the student encounters difficulties due to time zone discrepancies.

Academic Integrity

All students enrolled in this course are expected to adhere to the UT Arlington Honor Code:

"Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts."

Students may not use unauthorized aids such as ChatGPT and/or other generative AI tools to create assignment(s). Assignments may not be acquired from websites such as nor shared with such sites. The UTA Office of Community Standards articulates the university's stance on academic integrity and scholastic dishonesty. These standards extend to the use of GenAI. Unauthorized or unapproved use of GenAI in academic work falls within the scope of these policies and will be subject to the same disciplinary procedures. Please review your course syllabus to determine whether the instructor has a specific policy related to use of GenAI.

Click on the University Honor Code link to view the code. Students in the Graduate Nursing Programs are expected to read and comply with the Academic Integrity policy located in the MSN/PMC student handbook.


Copying another student’s paper or any portion of it is plagiarism. Copying a portion of published material (e.g., books or journals) without adequately documenting the source is plagiarism. Consistent with APA format, if five or more words in sequence are taken from a source, those words must be placed in quotes and the source referenced with author’s name, date of publication, and page number of publication. If the author’s ideas are rephrased, by transposing words or expressing the same idea using different words, the idea must be attributed to the author by proper referencing giving the author’s name and date of publication. If a single author’s ideas are discussed in more than one paragraph, the author must be referenced, according to APA format. Authors whose words or ideas have been used in the preparation of a paper must be listed in the references cited at the end of the paper. Students are expected to review the plagiarism module from the UT Arlington Central Library.

Testing Policies

Completing the Pre-Exam Steps:

  • Students should follow the instructions of the start-up sequence in the Lockdown Browser. 
  • Please note, students are required to have an external webcam with a tripod so they can appropriately position the camera to capture a side view of the testing surface and themselves. The webcam should provide a clear view of the student, the testing surface, and the computer from the level of the testing surface and up (including the top of the student's head, eyes, torso, keyboard, monitor, mouse, and any permitted testing aid)
  • Cellphones are not allowed in the testing environment and may not be used as webcams.
  • Students should take a clear picture of themselves.
  • Students must take a clear picture of their UTA MavID when requested. If the MavID has been ordered, but has not arrived, students may use their state identification. If using state identification, students are required to provide proof that they have ordered their MavID (e.g., email confirmation of order). The name on the photo ID must match the name that is found in Canvas. Please note: Students are able to verify that a picture was taken in the system. If the student is unable to view the picture of their ID, they should exit out of the system and try again.
  • Students are allowed multiple attempts to take a picture of their ID. If more than one attempt is needed, the student should hold up their ID in front of the webcam, click try again to take the picture, then click continue. 
  • The maximum time allowed for the student to complete the environmental scan is 65 seconds. Students must use a detachable camera to slowly scan their environment and show all of the components defined below.
    • Entire testing surface, edge-to-edge. 
    • Entire keyboard and any item that is allowed on the testing surface as dictated by your professor, as well as underneath each item (lift and show underneath). 
    • Students can narrate or explain what is seen during the environmental scan as needed.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the entire environmental components stated above can be seen by coaches and faculty.
    • Please note: students are able to verify that a video was taken. If the student is unable to view the recorded environment check, they should exit out of the system and try again. 
  • Once the environment scan has been completed, students are prohibited from leaving the view of the testing area or moving any items back into the testing area. 
  • Students should start the exam as soon as the environmental scan is completed and reviewed. 
  • Students should position the webcam to the side of the testing surface so that the webcam captures a profile view of the student, the computer (including the computer screen), and the testing surface. The webcam should provide a clear view of the student, the testing surface, and the computer from the level of the testing surface and up (including the top of your head, eyes, torso, keyboard, monitor, mouse, and any permitted testing aid).

Late Policies

Late Assignments / Assignments: This policy of the Graduate Nursing Department is to be applied to numerically graded assignments. If your assignment is submitted late, 10% of your grade will be deducted for the first 24 hours. If you submit beyond 24 hours of the due date, your grade defaults to a zero unless otherwise specified in the course syllabus. Please note that no assignments will be accepted after the course ends.

For emergent situations in which faculty may consider late assignments, it is the sole responsibility of the student to notify their instructor of illness/emergency prior to the due date. Original documentation of evidence for the absence will be required. Acceptable forms of documentation may include:

  1. provider (e.g., physician, NP) note that the student or immediate family member was under medical care during the period in question;
  2. police report with the student’s or immediate family member’s name(s) during the period in question; or,
  3. any other documentation from an official source that explains an illness/emergency during the period in question.

Any document appearing to have been altered in any way or which lacks the required information will not be accepted. Falsified documents may result in the student being referred to the Office of Community Standards for academic integrity violations. This policy is not applicable for students who are pregnant.

Late Submissions for Pregnant Students Texas Education Code section 51.982(d) provides, “An institution of higher education shall, for reasons related to a student's pregnancy, childbirth, or any resulting medical status or condition:

  1. excuse the student's absence;
  2. allow the student to make up missed assignments or assessments;
  3. allow the student additional time to complete assignments in the same manner as the institution allows for a student with a temporary medical condition; and
  4. provide the student with access to instructional materials and video recordings of lectures for classes for which the student has an excused absence under this section to the same extent that instructional materials and video recordings of lectures are made available to any other student with an excused absence.”

These requirements reflect Department of Education guidance under Title IX. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the faculty member of their pregnancy and need for reasonable adjustments as soon as the need is known. Pregnant students will be given an opportunity to make up missed work to the extent possible. The faculty or department, with assistance from The Title IX Office, if necessary, will determine, during an interactive process with a student, the reasonable adjustments or accommodations needed to ensure equal access for such students. This may include extended deadlines, makeĀ­up assignments (e.g., papers, quizzes, tests, and presentations).

Students are encouraged to work with their faculty members to devise a plan for how to best address the conditions as pregnancy progresses, anticipate the need for leaves, minimize the academic impact of their absence, and get back on track as efficiently and comfortably as possible. Documentation of pregnancy is not required.

Communication and Conduct

Discussion Boards

The discussion board should be viewed as a public and professional forum for course-related discussions. Students are free to discuss academic matters and consult one another regarding academic resources. The tone of postings should be professional in nature.

It is inappropriate to post statements of a personal or political nature, or statements criticizing classmates or faculty. Inappropriate statements/language will be deleted by the course faculty and may result in denied access to the Discussion boards.

Electronic Communication

UT Arlington has adopted MavMail as its official means to communicate with students about important deadlines and events, as well as to transact university-related business regarding financial aid, tuition, grades, graduation, etc. All students are assigned a MavMail account and are responsible for checking the inbox daily.

No Gift Policy

In accordance with Regent Rules and Regulations and the UTA Standards of Conduct, the College of Nursing and Health Innovation has a “no gift” policy. A donation to one of the UTA College of Nursing and Health Innovation. 

Course Drop Information

Graduate students who wish to change a schedule by either dropping or adding a course must first consult with their Graduate Academic Advisor at

Regulations pertaining to adding or dropping courses are described below. Adds and drops may be made through late registration either on the Web at MyMav or in person through the student’s academic department. Drops can continue through a point two-thirds of the way through the term or session. It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw if they do not plan to attend after registering. Students will not be automatically dropped for non-attendance.

A student dropping a graduate course on or after the Census Date but on or before the last day to drop may receive a grade of W. Students dropping a course must:

Submit a drop form request through their MyMav Student Center. Contact your academic advisor for further clarification before the last day to drop.

All students withdrawing from a session for any reason on or after the first official University class day are financially responsible for their pro-rata share of tuition, fees, and charges. Please visit Student Accounts for more information.

Repayment of certain types of financial aid administered through the University may be required as the result of dropping classes or withdrawing. Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at

For a full list of dates including drop dates, please visit the websites below.

Accelerated Online Calendar - Office of the Registrar - The University of Texas at Arlington (

Academic Calendar - The University of Texas at Arlington (

Course Specific Grading Requirements

NURS 5110, NURS 5120, NURS 5130, NURS 5140 Grading Requirements
NURS 5110, NURS 5120, and NURS 5130 are pass-fail courses. This means that only a P or an F are assigned. To achieve a pass in each course, the student must achieve all the following:

  1. Attain a course grade of 70% or higher in each respective course the student is enrolled.
  2. Attain a minimum of 80% on each faculty graded check off in each respective course the student is enrolled.

If the student fails to attain an 80% on any check off (Problem focused exam or the comprehensive check off), the instructor may assign additional activities prior to a reevaluation. The student will have a one-time opportunity to be re-evaluated. A second faculty member will be present during the check off retake. If the student passes the check off retake (with a minimum score of 80%), the maximum grade the student can receive for the exam for purposes of grade calculation is 80%. If the student fails the retake, the student will receive a grade of "F" for the course.

NURS 5362 Grading Requirements
In order to pass NURS 5362, students must complete all assignments that are graded Pass/Fail at the passing level and obtain 80% in the total grade for all assignments that are graded on a 0-100 point scale. For assignments that are Pass/Fail students need 100% to pass. Students will be allowed one extra attempt to achieve this if submitted within the required time frame. Additionally, students must obtain a grade of 80% or better in the teaching assignment and complete all required approved clinical hours.

Nurse Practitioner Clinical Courses Grading Requirement
This section applies to all nurse practitioner clinical courses.

Clinical Evaluations: Students are evaluated during each clinical course by their instructor with the Clinical Evaluation of Student tool. For ALL graded and pass/fail clinical courses, students must attain 80% on this evaluation in order to pass the course. For numerically graded clinical courses, students will be assigned a numerical grade based on their performance on the tool.

For graded Clinical Practice 1 courses, students must receive ‘Meets Expectation with Moderate Assistance’ on 80% of the scored items. For Clinical Practice 2 courses, students must receive ‘Meets Expectation with Minimal Assistance’ on 80% of the scored items. The student’s percentage score will be the assigned grade for evaluation, with the minimum requirement of 80% to pass. Items marked as 'N/A or no opportunity to observe' will not be calculated in the student's raw score.

For pass/fail practicum courses, the student must achieve 80% of the scored items as 'meets expectation' in order to pass the course.

If the student fails to attain an 80% on the initial final evaluation at the prescribed level of the course, the instructor may assign additional activities and/or additional clinical hours prior to a reevaluation. The student will have a one-time opportunity to be re-evaluated with a second faculty member present. If the student passes the clinical performance retake (with a minimum score of 80%), the maximum grade the student can receive for the exam for purposes of grade calculation is 80%. If the student fails the retake, the student will receive a grade of "Z" for the course and a formal individualized remediation plan will be devised by the Lead Faculty in consultation with the Program Director. The formal remediation plan will be based on the feedback from the student’s clinical faculty and preceptor(s).

The student will need to re-register into the clinical course the student scored a “Z”, and the remediation plan will include registration in an Independent Study course which will allow one-on-one educational activities, remediation, and clinical hours with a faculty member. This formal individualized remediation plan must be thoroughly documented, and an agreement must be signed and completed by the student prior to enrollment in the Independent Study course.

When the student completes all terms of their formal individualized remediation plan, the student will have 1 opportunity to present a final patient case and be evaluated based on the Final Clinical Evaluation of NP Student by Faculty form by 2 faculty members, preferably their clinical instructor and lead course faculty. This Final Clinical Evaluation of NP Student by Faculty will be recorded on TEAMS. If the student meets expectations for their Final Clinical Evaluation of the NP Student by Faculty with an 80% or higher, the student’s grade of Z will be replaced by the grade earned and the student can progress. Failure to meet evaluation criteria for their clinical course will result in clinical course failure.

Student Resources

Scholarship Funds

Several scholarship opportunities exist for graduate nursing students. For information regarding available scholarships click Scholarship Funds.

The English Writing Center (411LIBR)

The Writing Center offers FREE tutoring in 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-minute face-to-face and online sessions to all UTA students on any phase of their UTA coursework. Register and make appointments online at the Writing Center. Classroom visits, workshops, and specialized services for graduate students and faculty are also available. Please see Writing Center: OWL for detailed information on all our programs and services.

Student Resources

The Department of Graduate Nursing provides two faculty members to support graduate nursing students’ academic success. The goal of the student resources member is to support student achievement in graduate level coursework. The two faculty members serve in different roles, a Writing Coach ( and Study Coach (

The Writing Coach assists graduate nursing students to improve the clarity and organization of their written papers. If you have questions about grammar or format as you are writing a paper, the Writing Coach can answer those questions for you by email or in person by appointment. After you have written a strong draft of a written paper, you may send it to the Writing Coach along with the grading criteria/rubric for the paper as email attachments at least 5 days before the paper is due. The Writing Coach will provide you feedback about your writing on a first come, first served basis. 

The Study Coach can assist with diverse resources that may include study skills, testing challenges/approaches, managing multiple responsibilities, and addressing personal issues impacting academic performance. Course content challenges may also be addressed, with referral to additional resources as indicated.


UT Arlington is committed to the safety, success, and well-being of our students. To support our community, UTA has created a CARE Team, which is a dedicated group of campus professionals responsible for helping students who could benefit from academic, emotional, or psychological support, as well as those presenting risk to the health or safety of the community. If you know of someone experiencing challenges, appearing distressed, needing resources, or causing a significant disruption to the UTA community, please submit a CARE Referral by visiting the Behavior Intervention Team You may also submit a referral for yourself if you would like additional support.

NOTE: If a person’s behavior poses an immediate threat to you or someone else, contact UTA Police at 817-272-3303 or dial 911. If you or someone you know needs to speak with a crisis counselor, please reach out to the MAVS TALK 24-hour Crisis Line at 817-272-8255 or the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

Policies additional information

Institutional Information

UTA students are encouraged to review the below institutional policies and informational sections and reach out to the specific office with any questions. To view this institutional information, please visit the Institutional Information page which includes the following policies among others:

  • Drop Policy: To drop a course contract your advising team for assistance
  • Disability Accommodations
  • Title IX Policy
  • Academic Integrity
  • Student Feedback Survey
  • Final Exam schedule

Graduate Catalog

Students are responsible for knowing and complying with all policies in the University Catalog.

MSN/PMC Student Handbook

Students are responsible for knowing and complying with all policies and information contained in the MSN/PMC Student Handbook. Students should pay particular attention to the following policies and procedures in the handbook:

  1. Advising and Registration
  2. Academic Standing and Progression
  3. Graduation including but not limited to
    1. MSN NP Verification of Education for Certification and Licensure
  4. Academic Integrity
  5. Student Complaint and Grievance Procedures
  6. Clinical Policies and Procedures including but not limited to:
    1. Nurse Practitioner Program Clinical Experiences
    2. Status of RN Licensure
    3. Substance Abuse Policy
    4. Clinical Performance Requirements and Evidence of Clinical Competence
  7. Student Resources and Information, including but not limited to:
    1. Board of Nursing Reportable Student Incidents
    2. Civility and Professional Behavior

Clinical/Practicum Placement, Requirements, Performance and Clearance Overview (Nursing Education and Nurse Practitioner Students)

Students are responsible for reading and following the clinical policies and procedures in InPlace. The following policies are posted in InPlace:

  • UTA MSN Clinical Practicum Acknowledgement
  • Graduate Student Clinical Placement Policy and Procedure
  • Graduate Student Clinical Performance Policy
  • Graduate Student Clinical Site and Preceptor Policy
  • Students Experiencing Difficulties with Clinical Placements
  • Graduate Nursing Clinical Clearance Requirements

Student Complaints and Grade Grievances

Any appeal of a grade in this course must follow the procedures and deadlines for grade-related grievances as published in the current University Catalog. For additional information on grade grievances and student complaints go to the following links:

Student Success Faculty

Click the button below to obtain their contact information.

Student Success Faculty

Evacuation Maps

Click on the button to review evacuation routes for each UTA building.
Evacuation Route Maps (Buildings)

Emergency Procedures

Click on the button to read the procedure to follow for evacuating a classroom and building.
Emergency/Fire Evacuation Procedures

Mav Alert

Students are encouraged to subscribe to the MavAlert system. This system will send information in case of an emergency to cell phones or email accounts. Click subscribe to register.

Emergency Exit Procedures

Should we experience an emergency event that requires evacuation of the building, students should exit the room and move toward the nearest exit. When exiting the building during an emergency, do not take an elevator but use the stairwells instead. Faculty members and instructional staff will assist students in selecting the safest route for evacuation and will make arrangements to assist individuals with disabilities.

UTA Library Helpful Links

Canvas communication tools, discussion boards, and UTA MAV email will be used extensively and should be checked often.

Emergency Phone Numbers: In case of an on-campus emergency, call the UT Arlington Police Department at 817-272-3003 (non-campus phone), 2-3003 (campus phone). You may also dial 911. For non-emergencies, call 817-272-3381.

Graduate Clinical Coordination Team

To contact someone on our Clinical Coordination Team please visit our Directory
CONHI Directory

Graduate Nursing Support Staff

To contact someone on our Nursing Support Staff please visit our Directory
CONHI Directory