Graduate students who wish to change a schedule by either dropping or adding a course must first consult with their Graduate Academic Advisor at
Regulations pertaining to adding or dropping courses are described below. Adds and drops may be made through late registration either on the Web at MyMav or in person through the student’s academic department. Drops can continue through a point two-thirds of the way through the term or session. It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw if they do not plan to attend after registering. Students will not be automatically dropped for non-attendance.
A student dropping a graduate course on or after the Census Date but on or before the last day to drop may receive a grade of W. Students dropping a course must:
Submit a drop form request through their MyMav Student Center. Contact your academic advisor for further clarification before the last day to drop.
All students withdrawing from a session for any reason on or after the first official University class day are financially responsible for their pro-rata share of tuition, fees, and charges. Please visit Student Accounts for more information.
Repayment of certain types of financial aid administered through the University may be required as the result of dropping classes or withdrawing. Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at
For a full list of dates including drop dates, please visit the websites below.
Accelerated Online Calendar - Office of the Registrar - The University of Texas at Arlington (
Academic Calendar - The University of Texas at Arlington (
Course Specific Grading Requirements
NURS 5110, NURS 5120, NURS 5130, NURS 5140 Grading Requirements
NURS 5110, NURS 5120, and NURS 5130 are pass-fail courses. This means that only a P or an F are assigned. To achieve a pass in each course, the student must achieve all the following:
- Attain a course grade of 70% or higher in each respective course the student is enrolled.
- Attain a minimum of 80% on each faculty graded check off in each respective course the student is enrolled.
If the student fails to attain an 80% on any check off (Problem focused exam or the comprehensive check off), the instructor may assign additional activities prior to a reevaluation. The student will have a one-time opportunity to be re-evaluated. A second faculty member will be present during the check off retake. If the student passes the check off retake (with a minimum score of 80%), the maximum grade the student can receive for the exam for purposes of grade calculation is 80%. If the student fails the retake, the student will receive a grade of "F" for the course.
NURS 5362 Grading Requirements
In order to pass NURS 5362, students must complete all assignments that are graded Pass/Fail at the passing level and obtain 80% in the total grade for all assignments that are graded on a 0-100 point scale. For assignments that are Pass/Fail students need 100% to pass. Students will be allowed one extra attempt to achieve this if submitted within the required time frame. Additionally, students must obtain a grade of 80% or better in the teaching assignment and complete all required approved clinical hours.
Nurse Practitioner Clinical Courses Grading Requirement
This section applies to all nurse practitioner clinical courses.
Clinical Evaluations: Students are evaluated during each clinical course by their instructor with the Clinical Evaluation of Student tool. For ALL graded and pass/fail clinical courses, students must attain 80% on this evaluation in order to pass the course. For numerically graded clinical courses, students will be assigned a numerical grade based on their performance on the tool.
For graded Clinical Practice 1 courses, students must receive ‘Meets Expectation with Moderate Assistance’ on 80% of the scored items. For Clinical Practice 2 courses, students must receive ‘Meets Expectation with Minimal Assistance’ on 80% of the scored items. The student’s percentage score will be the assigned grade for evaluation, with the minimum requirement of 80% to pass. Items marked as 'N/A or no opportunity to observe' will not be calculated in the student's raw score.
For pass/fail practicum courses, the student must achieve 80% of the scored items as 'meets expectation' in order to pass the course.
If the student fails to attain an 80% on the initial final evaluation at the prescribed level of the course, the instructor may assign additional activities and/or additional clinical hours prior to a reevaluation. The student will have a one-time opportunity to be re-evaluated with a second faculty member present. If the student passes the clinical performance retake (with a minimum score of 80%), the maximum grade the student can receive for the exam for purposes of grade calculation is 80%. If the student fails the retake, the student will receive a grade of "Z" for the course and a formal individualized remediation plan will be devised by the Lead Faculty in consultation with the Program Director. The formal remediation plan will be based on the feedback from the student’s clinical faculty and preceptor(s).
The student will need to re-register into the clinical course the student scored a “Z”, and the remediation plan will include registration in an Independent Study course which will allow one-on-one educational activities, remediation, and clinical hours with a faculty member. This formal individualized remediation plan must be thoroughly documented, and an agreement must be signed and completed by the student prior to enrollment in the Independent Study course.
When the student completes all terms of their formal individualized remediation plan, the student will have 1 opportunity to present a final patient case and be evaluated based on the Final Clinical Evaluation of NP Student by Faculty form by 2 faculty members, preferably their clinical instructor and lead course faculty. This Final Clinical Evaluation of NP Student by Faculty will be recorded on TEAMS. If the student meets expectations for their Final Clinical Evaluation of the NP Student by Faculty with an 80% or higher, the student’s grade of Z will be replaced by the grade earned and the student can progress. Failure to meet evaluation criteria for their clinical course will result in clinical course failure.