Dual Degree Programs

College of Business graduate students may participate in one of twelve dual degree programs whereby they can earn a Master’s degree in an initial area of study and a second Master’s degree in another. Select dual degree programs between business and non-business graduate degree programs are available as well. By participating in a dual degree program, students may apply semester hours jointly to meet the requirements of each degree and subsequently reduce the total number of hours required to earn two degrees. The number of hours which may be jointly applied ranges from 6 to 18 hours subject to the approval of Graduate Advisors for each participating program.

How to Apply

To participate in a dual degree program, students must make a separate application to each desired program and must meet the admission requirements of each program individually. To be eligible, students must be admitted to the second program before completing the full degree requirements of the first program.

Learn More About Dual Degree Programs

Graduate students interested in dual degree programs are encouraged to contact the Office of Graduate Business Services at gradbiz@uta.edu or 817-272-3004/3005 for further information on how to apply and for verification of participating non-business programs.