2023: PIL: 88%/ PASL: 99%
2022: PIL: 93%/ PASL: 99%
2021: PIL: 96%/ PASL: 96%
2020: PIL: 96%/ PASL: 100%
Standard certifications are valid for 5 years. To renew, educators must complete 150 clock hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE).
For more information and a list of providers, please visit the Texas Education Agency website:
Once an educator obtains their initial teacher certification, they may have the opportunity to gain additional certification by exam.
If an educator plans to move to another state, it is most efficient and beneficial for them to complete the certification process in Texas then apply for a teaching license in the new state. Contact the state education office information on their review and application process. They may request that a Verification Form be completed by the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) the educator completed. Please send those requests to coedcertification@uta.edu.
Educators from another state or country must apply for a review of their credentials through the Texas Education Agency.
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires candidates seeking certification to complete all clinical teaching, practicum, and internship experiences at a site approved by the UTA EPP (Educational Preparation Program) and the TEA. Out-of-state students who do not complete field experiences at a UTA and TEA-approved site do not qualify to be recommended for Texas educator certification.
UTA’s programs leading to Texas educator certification are designed to meet requirements in the state of Texas. Some UTA programs may lead to certification in other states as well; however, some locations may not allow UTA programs to lead to certification and others may have additional requirements that are not met by the programs at UTA. If seeking certification outside of Texas, please work with your state agency in the state in which you are seeking certification to verify this information, determine eligibility, and complete any additional requirements. UTA cannot recommend out-of-state students for certification and cannot recommend out-of-state students to take Texas certification exam(s). Additionally, UTA faculty and staff cannot complete out-of-state form requests for individuals seeking certification, licensure, and/or endorsements in another state.
As required by Texas HB1508, applicants need to be aware of the following.
Visit the TEA website for more information on Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation.
Pursuant to the Texas Education Code (TEC), §22.083, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator.
Pursuant to the TEC, §22.0835, candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to clinical teaching.
Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §228.70 requires the Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff to maintain a process through which any person associated with a Texas Educator Preparation Program (EPP) may submit a complaint about an EPP for investigation and resolution.
Certain information is necessary for review of a complaint. Please fill out the online EPP complaint form carefully and as completely as possible and attach any relevant documentation.
The EPP complaint form must be submitted within 15 business days of the alleged violation. Read UTA's EPP complaint policy for additional information.
A separate form is available for grade grievances; please contact the College of Education Advising Office for information on that process.
UTA intends to graduate and certify only candidates who will be effective educators and instructional leaders.
Evidence of potential effectiveness includes academic, dispositional, professional, and personal qualities. Educator candidates are carefully assessed throughout the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) for these qualities and skills through designated benchmarks and successful course completion. If a candidate has issues that arise regarding academics, dispositional, professional, and/or personal qualities that inhibit his/her fitness or effectiveness to teach, the candidate may be dismissed from the EPP. Candidates will be provided written notification of dismissal. The notification will include the reason(s) for dismissal with the official dismissal date.
Reasons an initial certification candidate may be removed from the EPP may include, but are not limited to the following:
Reasons an advanced certification candidate may be removed from the EPP may include, but are not limited to the following:
The UTA Educator Preparation Program (EPP) focuses on preparing educators who demonstrate the requisite skills, knowledge, and dispositions expected of a professional in fostering student-centered learning environments. Dispositions are a critical component of educator preparation. According to the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Model Core Teaching Standards, dispositions are “the habits of professional action and moral commitments that underlie an educator's performance.” This policy is designed to address the assessment of candidates’ dispositions as reflected in their performance in coursework, field experiences, and other related experiences and to outline the UTA EPP’s process for addressing situations when a candidate’s performance fails to meet dispositional standards.
The UTA EPP requires candidates to follow all standards as listed in the Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics as well as the dispositions developed by the UTA EPP, listed below:
A candidate’s professional dispositions may be assessed in coursework, during any clinical field experience, and in other instructional settings associated with educator preparation. The Disposition Assessment Form is used when concerns regarding a candidate’s professional dispositions arise. At any time during a candidate’s program, including but not limited to coursework and field experiences, a faculty or staff member may complete and submit a Disposition Assessment Form for any student/candidate who does not follow the Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics, Texas Education Standards, and UTA Educator Dispositions.
For dispositional violations that are brought to the attention of the Office of Student Services or the Field Office by other community members (e.g., cooperating teacher, school, or district personnel, etc.), the Director of Student Services will file the Disposition Assessment Form according to the policies and procedures in the attached form.
701 Planetarium Place
Hammond Hall, Room 132, Box 19227
Arlington, TX 76019-0227
Advising Emails
Undergraduate Students: coedadvising@uta.edu
Graduate Students: coedgrad@uta.edu
701 Planetarium Place
Hammond Hall, 5th Floor, Box 19227
Arlington, TX 76019-0227
Email Addresses
General Email: education@uta.edu
Office of Educational Certification: coedcertification@uta.edu
Office of Educational Field Experiences: coedfield@uta.edu
Graduate Online Programs: coedadmissions@uta.edu