701 Planetarium Place
Trimble Hall, Room 105, Box 19227
Arlington, TX 76019-0227
Advising Emails
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
Students must have a minimum Cumulative or Last 60 GPA of 2.75 (that leads to a cohort GPA no less than 3.0) to be admitted to the Education program and must meet and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 once admitted to the program.
The GPA calculated for Education admission includes courses taken for college credit at other institutions. Submitting official transcripts from all other colleges/universities attended will assist in the accurate calculation of GPA.
Students must successfully complete each Education course with a grade of 'C' or better and must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in Education coursework to continue in the program. Earning grades of 'D' or 'F' in Education courses or allowing the Education GPA to drop below 3.0 will prevent students from taking further Education courses, other than to grade replace. Additionally, earning grades of 'Incomplete' in any Education courses will prevent students from continuing in the program until grades are assigned for the courses. Due to course sequencing, students may have to wait one year before taking Education courses again.
Students must have a status of “TSI Complete” to be admitted to an education program. To find more information about the TSI or to determine your status, login to your MyMav account and look for the TSI link in your Student Center. The TSI Assessment is required by the State of Texas for placement into college-level courses.
Students on academic probation at The University of Texas at Arlington will not be eligible to be admitted to the Education program.
Students who have been suspended from UTA or any other university or program for reasons other than academic reasons may not be admitted or readmitted to an educator preparation program in the College of Education.
Persons dismissed from any position in any public school district at any time before seeking admission to any College of Education program/degree may not be eligible to be admitted to the Education program. Additionally, dismissal from any position in any public school district at any time during the completion of a degree/program while in the College of Education may be grounds for dismissal from the College.
Students must have all core, content and pre-Field Experience Education courses completed before beginning the Field Based Experience semester.
Students must apply for Field Based Experience/Student Teaching and submit the application to the Office of Educational Field Experiences. Field experience applications for Secondary and All-Level students are accepted during the month of February for Fall placement, and during the month of October for Spring placement. Field Applications for EC6 and Mid-Level students are accepted during the beginning weeks of their first Fall semester in the program.
Partnerships with specific school districts and schools have been established to host the College of Education student teachers. We work closely with specific schools to build strong mentoring relationships between teachers and students, and therefore place all students in partner school settings. Students are not able to select the district or school for their placement.
Criminal History Background Checks are required for anyone participating in courses requiring placement in any school district. The inability to complete mandatory field experience due to a background check can prevent students from passing courses and continuing in the program. Students with questions regarding Criminal Record Checks should check online at the State Board website for more information.
Candidates must pass all appropriate state exams (limit of four retests) and apply for appropriate state certification(s) with the State Board for Educator Certification/Texas Education Agency within six months of the completion of their student/clinical teaching or practicum program. If a candidate allows the six month period to go by without passing all state exams and applying for certification, additional coursework and/or state exams will be required for recommendation for certification. Additional coursework will be determined by the appropriate Program Coordinator in consultation with faculty.
Students will be allowed to begin the certification coursework sequence when they have no more than 6 hours of core/content subtotal hours remaining.
Students may only begin the certification coursework sequence in the fall and cannot take classes out of the order listed on their degree plan. LIST courses and EDTC 4301 may be taken in any semester (once beginning the program), any sequence, as long as they are completed before the Field Based Experience semester.
Students will be allowed to begin the certification coursework sequence when they have no more than 12 hours of core/content subtotal hours remaining.
Students may only begin the certification coursework sequence in the fall and cannot take classes out of the order listed on their degree plans. LIST courses and EDTC 4301 may be taken in any semester, any sequence, as long as they are completed before the Field Based Experience semester.
Students will be allowed to begin the certification coursework sequence when they have no more than 18 hours of core/content hours remaining.
Students may only begin the certification coursework sequence in the fall and cannot take classes out of the order listed on their degree plan.
Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3. in each of their content areas. Please contact an advisor for more information.
Students must have all core, content and pre-Field Based Experience Education courses completed before beginning their first field experience semester.
Students must work closely with their content advisor and an Education advisor.
Students must submit a Field Experience Approval Form from their content advisor prior to receiving clearance for Field Experience. This policy is not applicable to All-Level Physical Education and All-Level Music students.