Civitas IFA Website


The Inspire for Advisors (IFA) analytics tool tracks student engagement patterns to predict the persistence probability of each studentIFA facilitates easy, scalable outreach (nudges) to an individual student or to a group, stimulating conversations early to impact student success and retention. 


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Civitas Login :


Advisors need to gain permission to access Inspire for Advisors. To obtain access the supervisor will need to email The email must include the email address and ID number for the employee that needs access. 

Once you log into Civitas IFA you will see the information below.

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On this page, you will see general persistence information for ALL students. It is recommended to use the advanced filter tool to narrow dow the student population.

Steps on how to use the advanced filter tool is below.

1. Click on Advanced Filters.

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2. Once selected, you will be able to narrow down your search by the available categories. You can select and apply as many filters as you would like. In the example below, you will see the college filter selected.

Reminder: You can add as many filters as you would like and then press the " Apply Filters" button.

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3. Once you have applied all necessary filters, you will see a list of students that fall into the guidelines you set. The example below is set for College of Business students.

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Reminder: You can continue to filter your results as needed. Advisors can use this tool to reach out to those with very low or low persistence levels. 

4. As an advisor, you have the option of emailing the selected students straight from Civitas or exporting your student list to a csv file. 

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IFA provides valuable information regarding students, not just their persistence prediction. This section will go over individual student information. 

1. Once logged into IFA, you will see the student search option at the top of the page as shown below. 

Note: You can search by student ID number along with student name.

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2. Once you have found the student you are looking for, you will see the following screen. 

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Information Available By Section:

Student Information

  • Cumulative GPA
  • Term GPA (when applicable)
  • Student level
  • Plan
  • Program


  • Shows next available semester and how many classes the student is enrolled into.

Persistence Change

  • Shows any updates to persistence and how long ago the change happened. 

Persistence Probability

  • Shows current persistence level 


  • Shows positive indicators that influence the students persistence


  • Shows negative indicators that influence the students persistence 

Academic Background 

  • Shows:

  * Total earned credits

  * Transfer credits

  * Course retakes

  * Course withdrawals


  • Includes current enrolled courses, the current grade compared to the average grade in the course, the faculty member teaching the class, and the students daily canvas log in compared to the class average. 

Note: The current grade compared to class average can help guide deeper discussions on student performance. You can also use the drop down menu to show a full course history. Final grades will be added to course history once officially posted through the Office of the Registrar.

Nudges to students during key points of the semester serve as reminders and sources of encouragement. Purposeful, consistent academic advisor communication is critical in increasing student success and creating a culture of completion. Inspire for Advisors is a powerful resource, allowing academic advisors to stay engaged with their students, not only at key moments, but throughout the entire semester. 

Who: Very Low, Low Persistence

Subject: Resources for Success

Hi student’s first name,


I just wanted to check in with your progress this semester. It’s not too late to work on improving your grades, and there are many resources available to help you. Here are some tips for improving your grades:


  1. Talk to your instructor.

  1. Take advantage of academic success coaching.

  1. Schedule an appointment to talk to an advisor.


As always, if you need anything, please let us know.




Advisor or department email signature



Subject: I’d Love to Hear from You!


Dear student’s first name


Welcome to UTA! I am sure your first few weeks have been busy! I know that this can be an exciting yet challenging time as you and our other students learn to navigate through a new environment. You’re at UTA for a reason. It is time to remind yourself of the goals you set for yourself before you came to college. If you are interested in talking more about them, I would be happy to meet with you to discuss them. Please schedule a meeting with me by clicking here (include appointment link). 


With Maverick Pride.


Advisor Signature



Who: High, Very High Persistence

Subject: Keep Up the Good Work!

Hi student’s first name,


Can you believe we are halfway through the semester? You are doing great and I want to encourage you to continue working hard. There are plenty of resources available on campus that can assist you with your continued success. You can find a few suggestions below.


  1. Talk to your instructor.