Drop-In Tutoring

Drop-In Tutoring

  Drop-in Tutoring for the Spring 2025 starts January 21!

No appointment necessary!

 Drop-in tutoring is a free tutoring service for UTA students.  Come in when you have difficulty with course content and work with a Tutor who has already successfully completed that course!  Find the schedule on TutorTrac.

Visit the 2nd floor of the Central Library to meet with a Tutor in-person.

Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-7p (based on Tutor availability)

Location: 2nd floor of the Central Library or Teams.



Accessing TutorTrac

TutorTrac is an online appointment scheduling software program used to book a tutoring session.

  1. Visit https://traccloud.go-redrock.com/uta_utsi/trac.
  2. Log in with your UTA email and password (same as MyMav).
  3. Click Login.
  4. In the Student Options block on the left, click Search Availability.
  5. Choose the course/subject or help topic in the Section field. Submit a Request a Tutor Form if you do not find your course listed.
  6. Choose the appropriate center by selecting Tutoring.
  7. Click on the appointment time to schedule; the next screen will show the appointment details. Fill out the required fields and click Save.