Agencies & Instructors

Why Partner With Us

Welcome! The School of Social Work values its relationships with organizations and agencies throughout the DFW area and beyond.

Thank you for considering a partnership with the Office of Field Education. We value the support you provide your clients and the community, and we appreciate this additional contribution to the profession.

When you partner with us, you will be in the good company of more than 500 agencies and organizations that offer field experience to our students. Many of our students have a history of volunteerism and an understanding of how agencies serve clients.

We are proud to offer our students the opportunity to work with veteran social workers in a variety of settings serving diverse populations. We look forward to getting to know you and to matching you with students who will discover the richness of all you do while growing into exceptional and professional social workers.

Field Agency Affiliation Process

Field Agency Affiliation Process

Our Agency Requirements

  • Be able to accommodate between 200 - 500 hours (12.5 - 39 hours/week) of student field work per semester
  • Be able to provide a Field Instructor with:
    • BSW or MSW degree from a CSWE-Accredited program
    • At least 2 years’ experience post-graduation

How to Apply

As a new field placement, you will need the following: an employee or an affiliate of the agency with a BSW and/or MSW degree from a CSWE-accredited program and 2 years post-graduation experience in social work to supervise the students; space for the students as well as any applicable equipment; and ensure that the supervisor can meet with the students for 1 hour every week during their placement.

The first step in the affiliation process is to complete an interest form; the link to the form is below. Once the form is complete further instruction will be provided.



We look forward to partnering with you!

The Field Office Team