Ming-Han Li

Dean - Dr. Li is a distinguished academic leader in landscape architecture and urban planning.

David Franco

Director of the School of Architecture

David Coursey

Chair, Public Administration and Planning - Program Director for the Masters of Public Administration researches public management, especially public/private comparative research, public service motivation, organizational environments, public personnel retention and recruitment

Deden Rukmana

Director of the Master of City and Regional Planning. A distinguished urban planner, educator, and scholar.

Karabi Bezboruah

Director of Planning and Public Affairs Ph.D. Programs - Researches cross-sector collaboration, nonprofit management and leadership, strategic management, community development, cross-sector comparisons, NGOs - organizational role, gender role, leadership role & NGO effectiveness.

Diane Jones Allen

Professor and Director of Landscape Architecture - Established a national reputation by bridging practice and research in the areas of transportation access, sustainability, and environmental justice for the holistic integration of academic productivity with successful and meaningful practice.

Austin Allen

Austin Allen

Interim Associate Dean and Professor of Architecture - Previously served as an associate professor in Landscape Architecture and an associate professor in Film and Communication at other universities to combine the two fields into his research

Barbara Marini

Director of Interior Design Programs - Research focuses on leadership, creativity, and innovation that seeks to inform organizations and institutions by speaking on design and industry-related issues, serving on numerous professional panels, and authoring that has recognized her work and service to the profession and design education.

Associate Professor in the School of Architecture.

Cheryl Donaldson

Cheryl Donaldson

Director of Academics and Student Affairs and Advising Supervisor and Assistant Adjunct Professor