
The Commencement Ceremony is a dignified academic event that recognizes the achievements of our graduates and honorees.

Guests attending the Commencement are asked to observe the following guidelines: 

  • Guests should arrive early. Admission will not be granted once the processional has begun.
  • Guests should refrain from sitting in seating designated for faculty, graduates or other reserved seating. All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off for the duration of the ceremony.
  • Noise-making devices are prohibited, as are any objects that would distract from the formality of the event.
  • Guests should remain in their seats until the faculty and graduates have processed out of the building.
  • Applause should be held until all students have received their degrees. Names will be read quickly, and it is important that every name is heard.
  • No illegal drugs and no alcohol will be permitted in or around the event space. Anyone who arrives under the influence of either will be denied entrance or escorted from the event.
  • Guests are asked to remain in their seats for the entire ceremony. Movement on the floor is distracting to the other guests, and it is disrespectful to the speakers. There will be a photographer on location and opportunities to take additional photographs after the ceremony.

The points listed above are meant to ensure that our graduates and guests have the most enjoyably day possible.