American Society of Landscape Architects


Discover more, learn how to join, and start participating in American Society of Landscape Architects.

General ASLA Email:

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Taner Ozdil

Phone: (817) 272-2801

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Landscape Architecture is the art and science of analysis, planning, design, management, preservation, and rehabilitation of the land. The scope of the profession includes site planning, garden design, environment restoration, town or urban planning, park and recreation planning, regional planning, and historic preservation. Practitioners share a commitment of achieving a balance between preservation, use, and management of the country’s resources.

The UTA student chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA) is the professional organization for students. Its aim is to promote scholarship, science and professional conduct through lectures, seminar projects, competitions and recognition of outstanding leadership among students, faculty, and practitioners. SASLA is also engaged in pro bono work in the region. Membership in SASLA is required for all students in competing for recognition or financial support while in the Program of Landscape Architecture.


  • To promote scholarship, science and professional conduct through lectures, seminar projects, competitions and recognition of outstanding leadership among students, faculty, and practitioners.
  • To provide unity and enthusiasm within the profession.
  • To encourage giving back to the community through education and service projects.

2023-2024 OFFICERS


Name and Email

President Beth Sipzner
Vice President 1 Angelica Villalobos
Secretary Heena Shrestha
Treasurer Melissa Brown