Students pursuing the minor complete two required core courses then select four courses from one of the fields listed below. The minor requires 18 hours of coursework (Before registering for any course, students should consult with the advisor in their major field of study).
~ Due to prerequisite restrictions all ARCH/INTD classes and some LARC/PLAN classes are limited to architecture and interior design declared (3rd/4th year) majors only.
Students interested in adding the Minor in Urban and Public Affairs to their degree plan should send questions to
To schedule an appointment for minor advising with one of our advisors: click here
All courses are not offered every semester. Check the Schedule of Classes to find course offerings.
- PLAN 1301: Intro to Urban Life
- PLAN 3301: The Metroplex
- Group 1 - Public Administration
- Group 2 - Urban Affairs
Student should select four courses from the list below:
~ Due to prerequisite restrictions all ARCH/INTD classes and some LARC/PLAN classes are limited to architecture and interior design declared (3rd/4th year) majors only.
- ACCT 3309: Accounting for Managers
- ACCT 4325: Governmental Accounting
- ANTH 4348: Political Anthropology
- COMM 4305: Communication and Society
- COMM 4330: Political Communication
- COMM 4335: Intercultural Communication
- COMS 3309: Organizational Communication
- COMS 3310: Group Communication Theory
- COMS 3316: Communication in Human Relations
- CRCJ 3336: Law Enforcement Management
- CRCJ 3338: Juvenile Justice System
- CRCJ 4309: Private Security System
- ECON 3304: Public Sector Economics
- ECON 3313: Industrial Organization & Public Policy
- ECON 3335: Economics of Public Policies
- ECON 4330: Human Resource Economics
- GEOL 1330: Global Warming
- GEOL 2406: Natural Resources & Sustainability
- GEOL 4331: Analysis of Spatial Data
- LARC 4301: Site Planning and Development Processes ~
- MANA 3318: Managing Organizational Behavior
- MANA 3319: Management Process Theory
- MANA 3320: Human Resource Management
- MANA 4320: Employment Law
- MANA 4325: Leadership in Organizations
- MANA 4328: Human Resource Staffing & Performance Management
- MANA 4330: Team Management
- MANA 4341: Negotiations and Conflict
- PAPP 4307: Urban Geography
- PLAN 4310: Planning the American City
- PLAN 4320: Sustainable Communities
- PLAN 4395: Studies in Planning (approved Planning topics courses)
- Approved Topics:
- Environmental Assessment Policy & Practice ~
- Transportation Policies, Programs & History ~
- Social Justice ~
- POLS 2312: State & Local Government
- POLS 3303: Introduction to Public Administration
- POLS 3305: Government in Urban America
- POLS 3307: Comparative State and Local Politics
- POLS 3308: Politics of a Texas City: Arlington City Politics
- POLS 4303: Public Administration and the Political Process
- POLS 4331: U.S. Constitutional Law: Government Power
- POLS 4353: Public Budgeting and Taxation
- PSYC 3301: Psychology of Human Relations
- PSYC 3302: Business Psychology
Student should select four courses from the list below:
~ Due to prerequisite restrictions all ARCH/INTD classes and some LARC/PLAN classes are limited to architecture and interior design declared (3rd/4th year) majors only.
- AAST 3380: Race, Crime, and Justice (also offered as CRCJ 3380, credit granted only once)
- AAST 4326: Diversity in Organizations (also offered as MANA 4326, credit granted only once)
- ANTH 2322: Global Cultures
- ANTH 3339: Urban Anthropology
- ANTH 3355: The Rise of Civilization
- ARCH 4307: The Life of Cities ~
- ARCH 4311: Topics in Architecture Theory (approved Architecture Theory topics courses)~
- Approved Topics:
- Planning & Designing the Sustainable City ~
- What Makes A City: Critical Issues in Architecture, Planning, and Urban Design ~
- ARCH 4313: The Architect in Contemporary Society ~
- ARCH 4315: Topics in Architecture History (approved Architecture History topics courses) ~
- ARCH 4395: Topics in Architecture (approved Architecture topics courses) ~
- Approved Topics:
- Adv. Manufacturing+Sustainability ~
- Density+Affordability: Reshaping the Suburban City ~
- COMM 4305: Communication and Society
- COMM 4330: Political Communication
- COMM 4335: Intercultural Communication
- COMS 3310: Group Communication Theory
- COMS 3316: Communication in Human Relations
- CRCJ 3380: Race, Crime, and Justice (also offered as AAST 3380, credit granted only once)
- CRCJ 4301: The American Judicial System
- CRCJ 4325: Gangs
- ECON 2337: Economics of Social Issues
- ECON 3302: The Economics of Crime
- ECON 3335: Economics of Public Policies
- ECON 4330: Human Resource Economics
- GEOG 3350: Reading the Landscape (also HIST 3350)
- HIST 2302: History of Civilization
- HIST 3327: Cities and Suburbs in U.S. History
- HIST 3348: DFW Metroplex (formerly offered as HIST 3351)
- HIST 3350: Reading and the Landscape
- HIST 3351: History of Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (now offered as HIST 3348)
- HIST 3365: African-American History to 1865
- HIST 3366: African-American History 1865-Present
- HIST 3368: Germany and The World, 1918-Present
- HIST 3373: US Economic History, 1860-Present
- HIST 3377: History of Mexico
- HUMA 4302: Social and Political Theory
- LARC 4300: Introduction to Landscape Architecture
- LARC 4327: Regionalism, Creativity, and Design (formerly offered as LARC 4395) ~
- LARC 4395: Topics in Landscape Architecture (approved Landscape Architecture topics courses)
- Approved Topics:
- Creative Regional Design ~ (now offered as LARC 4327)
- MANA 4326: Diversity in Organizations (also offered as AAST 4326, credit granted only once)
- MANA 4340: Business and Society
- MANA 4341: Negotiations and Conflict
- PAPP 4307: Urban Geography
- PHIL 3330: Social and Political Philosophy
- PLAN 4310: Planning the American City
- PLAN 4320: Sustainable Communities
- PLAN 4395: Studies in Planning (approved Planning topics courses)
- Approved Topics:
- Transportation Policies, Programs & History ~
- Social Justice ~
- POLS 2312: State and Local Government
- POLS 3305: Government in Urban America
- POLS 3308: Politics of a Texas City: Arlington City Politics
- POLS 3312: Introduction to Public Policy Analysis
- POLS 3313: Modern Critics of Society and Politics
- POLS 4318: Politics of African Americans
- POLS 4319: Politics of Mexican Americans
- POLS 4352: US Immigration Policy and the American Dream
- PSYC 3315: Social Psychology
- SOCI 3317: Individuals and Society
- SOCI 3336: Social Inequality
- SOCI 3353: Social Climate of Cities
- SOCI 3357: Law and Society
- SOCI 4315: Violence in Society
- SOCW 3301: Theories of Human Behavior
- SOCW 3303: Social Welfare Policies and Services
- SOCW 3317: Human Behavior in Diverse Populations