PAPP 5350: Intro to Public Administration
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
This graduate-level introductory course is designed to give students an understanding of public administration as a field of academic inquiry and professional practice within the context of American federalism, democratic values, institutional dynamics and bureaucratic politics. In addition to contextually defining public administration, the course addresses government reform, intergovernmental relations, public ethics, organizational dynamics and behavior, personnel issues, budgeting and e-governance.
PAPP 5351: Public and Non-Profit Human Resources
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with key functions of government personnel systems, discuss various theoretical approaches and techniques and understand the major legal requirements of public personnel management. The course examines the structure, role and evolution of the Civil Service, current personnel policies and personnel management tasks such as examination, recruitment, position classification and collective bargaining.
PAPP 5358: Ethics in Public Service
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
This course examines public service theoretical ethics literature to provide a basis for each student to both reflect upon and expand their comprehension of the values and processes of ethical decision making. Beyond theoretical works, it addresses the application and evaluation of theory against the professional, workaday reality of case studies, ethical codes and other relevant materials. Three major learning objectives are: 1) achievement of a solid understanding of the dominant theoretical perspectives in the public service ethics literature; 2) competency in the development of guidelines and procedures that encourage ethical behavior and 3) enhancement of the reach and resiliency of each member's personal commitment to public service ethics.
PAPP 5302: Foundations of Urban Research and Analysis
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to research methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative and statistical techniques useful in the analysis of urban trends and administrative programs.
PLAN 5328: Public Budgeting
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
This course introduces students to the principles and practices used by federal, state and local governments to acquire and spend revenues within the context of American democracy, capitalism, federalism and economics. The primary objective of this course is to provide students with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge to enable them to be effective participants in the budgeting process and critical consumers and producers of research relevant to public budgeting. Offered as CIRP 5328 and URPA 5326. Credit will be granted only once.
PAPP 5329: Financial Management in the Public and Non-Profit Sectors
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
Overview of the principles of finance as they apply to the public and non-profit sectors, financial reporting for state and local governments and non-profit organizations and evaluation.
PAPP 5368: Public and Non-Profit Human Resources Law
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
This course examines the legal background pertinent to public human resource management. Topics addressed include compensation and benefits, employee discrimination, gender and family issues legislation, environmental, safety and health issues, whistleblower legislation, immigration law, worker compensation and drug and alcohol issues.
PAPP 5355: Non-Profit Institutions
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
This course examines non-profits as community institutions with an outward focus: the political, economic and inter-organizational environment, fund-raising and financial management, community relations and needs assessment, the role of the volunteers, boards and community leaders, marketing and legal and government issues.
PAPP 5345: Evaluation Research
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
Methodological issues in evaluating public programs; identification of variables, indicators and analyses formats presented.
PAPP 5309: Intergovernmental Relations
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
Critical analysis of the implications of federalism and the changing nature of intergovernmental relations on state and local management, administration, planning and policy making.
PAPP 5320: Public and Non-Profit Organization Theory
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
Historical evolution of administrative theory including classical, sociological and social-psychological dimensions; decision-making theory; implications of public interest theory for public management; basic concepts of organization development and impact on public administration paradigms; new public administration; and future of public urban organization. Also offered as CRCJ 5309 and POLS 5303; credit will be granted only once.
PAPP 5399: Public Administration Capstone
Duration: 16 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
This integrative applied research course assesses the student's ability to analyze, synthesize and formulate cogent recommendations to solve a real public sector problem. Students will write the capstone paper using concepts drawn from the MPA core curriculum, their chosen emphasis track and the student's professional public work experience. Students are required to successfully defend their capstone paper before a Public Administration Forum consisting of SUPA faculty, students and other interested parties. Prerequisite: Completion of all other course work required for the MPA degree, including core courses and emphasis area courses, unless an exception is approved by the MPA advisor.
PAPP 5360: Urban Management/Planning Internship
Duration: 8 weeks | Credit Hours: 3
Designed to integrate work experience and coursework through a series of brief work-related assignments; presentations by local planning and management practitioners and class discussions and exercises. Enrollment is open to both pre-entry and in-career students. Formal internship placements with agency mentors will be arranged. P/F only. Urban Management/Planning Internship for students with less than one year of appropriate work experience.
**Per-course tuition based on 3 credit-hour courses**
**Textbook costs not included. To view textbooks, please visit the UTA Bookstore**